Jo and Laurie: A Re-telling of the...by Elise Young
After reading "Jo and Laurie" by Stohl and De La Cruz, I was unsatisfied. In this tale, I have taken some elements of their plotline and made it my own. This i...
JoXLaurie| I Love You Joby BluWriter
The March girls just lost their youngest sister to a fatal disease and the third youngest returns from a trip to announce her engagement to Theodore Laurence. However th...
Back to Alabamaby MB3303
The Year is 1961, your an African American, and Descriminated, We'll Read about a famil, The Greenes, Experianced this!
Στους δρόμους της φωτιάς. by Theodora_Vlckdvl
Η Αρετή είναι ένα δεκαεφτάχρονο κορίτσι,γόνος της γνωστής οικογενείας Παπαοικονόμου. Παρότι η ίδια κουβαλάει το όνομα αυτό λίγοι το γνωρίζουν. Κρατάει χαμηλούς τόνους κα...
Once Upon A Treeby Heba
What would it be like if you dedicated your whole life to save the trees?How would you tell your story?