#1Killing Floor: Paris Burning by N.J.F2301Winning a trip to Paris turns deadly!actionhorrorkillingfloor2+4 more #2The Punisher: Dead Man's Diary by N.J.F201The beginning of Frank Castle!marvelnjfthepunisher #3Flatline by N.J.F401Thomas has been asleep for a long time!njfshortflatline+1 more #4Gears of War: Beginning of the End by N.J.F1601As the Cogs march their lives start ending!shortstorynjfgearsofwar+1 more #5Pure by N.J.F001The year is 2105 and life for pure humans is not good!sciencefictionscience-fantasynjf+1 more #6Three Part Series by N.J.F201How life goes!lifenjfsad+1 more #7The Punisher: Concrete Graveby N.J.F101The Punisher is back!superheroantiheropunisher+4 more #8Operation Ghost by N.J.F301SSGT. Ti Seven has one mission and only one mission, deliver the bomb!militarysciencefictionscience+3 more