An Unexpected Feeling (A Sequel to...by ryahdenisetamayo
It's been a few months since Runa became part of Team Sonic as a family. They worked together to defeat Dr. Eggman and restore peace and harmony in Seaside Island. There...
The Heroic Family (A Sonic Boom Fa...by ryahdenisetamayo
Runa is a magenta hedgehog with brown eyes and is secretly a language communicator, who lived with her mean foster sister, Bianca. Bianca has been treating Runa harshly...
A Hidden Purpose (Shadow x OC Book...by ryahdenisetamayo
It's been a week since New Year's Day and everyone is having a great time!
It's Runa's first day in G.U.N. Agent along with the five chao. They were put together in a te...
Mobius 50 Years Later: Journey to...by ryahdenisetamayo
Things are normal after Leo is turned good. Yet another adventure awaits. Where does it lead?
After Leo was turned back into a good mobian, things begin to be normal aga...