Seafarers: Journey of the Silver F...by Akuamarinsukai
In a world dominated by water, the inhabitants must use ocean transportation in order to trade certain goods. However, unknown tensions are rising, and an invisible thre...
Seafarers(NaLu Collab)by Frankie
So, yes XD another collab. This one is with my good friend Diamond or TheDiamondWolf4. Go check her account she has a really good one-shot book out and another story she...
Seafarers-Journey of the Silver Fl...by Akuamarinsukai
A basic intro into a story about a young group of adventurers who will sail across the world in order to save their home continent. This book just contains some of the t...
Calypsoby Pandora's Box
Taking heed to the sound of the waves crashing by the shores is absolute quiet while my eyes are folded and the salty air moves my hair. I open my eyes to see small ligh...
Vikings - Lothin Thordrby Souleth
Lothin Thordr, the main character lives in a village on the coast of Southern Norway. His village is home to the 'Raseri' or Fury clan...
Dead Man's Tales: Poetry of the Ca...by Myth and Magic
This is a collection of poetry and short stories inspired by Pirates of the Caribbean.
Seafarers Part I: Journeyby Tekaki Akuamarin
A story posted previously on my other wattpad account, Akuamarinsukai (which is now closed). Will update more often now. (current cover is temporary)