Three Loves Of Marthaby englishfanstories
Happy Easter to my friend Berta. Wrote her a story with three characters of Richard Armitage (John Standring, Dr. Alec Track and Harry Kennedy). Hope you like it.

Książę z lawendowych pólby KateOakenshield
Jest to opowieść o rozkwitającej miłości nieśmiałego, zamkniętego w sobie Johna i przebojowej, pewnej siebie Kate, która postawiła sobie trudne zadanie - oswojenie mężcz...

A Future for Sparkhouseby jayne2006
A story for anyone who wanted the lovely John Standring to have a future. I wrote this to lay some ghosts after watching Sparkhouse (more than once!) and feeling like I...

The End with a new Beginningby Ramona
Alternate ending of Sparkhouse, a modern Wuthering Heights – inspired BBC TV series. I love the movie "Sparkhouse" starring Richard Armitage as John Standring...