In an alternate universe where green, blue, and hazel eyes are considered abnormal and dangerous, two of the members of Coldplay face injustice and the threat of jail time. Will they have to leave their love ones? Is the possibility of life on Mars going to end Coldplay? In of a world of inequality for the BGH community how will Coldplay stand for what they believe is right? . . . This story is dedicated to my soul sister who helped me come up with the idea for the story. We were joking about how Chris and Jonny's eyes are so beautiful they should be illegal and we kicked around some ideas and I wrote the whole thing out. So yea... thanks sis, this is for you! 💜💚💙 . . . I want to also dedicate this story to those that as Coldplay put it "BELIEVE IN LOVE" and live it! Thank you for making the world a better place!⭕️
6 parts