Under the rule of a Dragon Riders and Magicians, young 14 year old Thea finds herself pulled into the Dragon Riders world. After her brother dies she finds a dragon and looks after it, but it was the Dragon Riders who killed him. When she finds herself becoming a Dragon Rider, she fights them off however she is captured. Thea soon finds herself surrounding by new people and dragons. As Thea learns more she makes new friends and tries to figure out ways to defeat the Dragons Riders, and joined by her friends she rebels against their rule. But when no one has their own dragon? Yeah things get a little tricky then. Snow Storm is Thea's own dragon, however they were separated and Storm has to first escape the clutches of the Magicians and Dragon Riders. Easier said then done, especially when he wants to help the other dragons. Storm and Thea are on a journey to find each other but both of them are putting their friends before them. While learning more about dragons Thea finally understands what is really happening. But Storm seems to be gaining powers, that are out of control, the more he tries to help, will they ever find each other again?