(Own Story) The year is 2023 and a high school student named Ryan Leviath found out he had powers in middle school. Bullies were picking on him and he seemed to have revealed more than what he really was. He was trying to live a normal life... But, soon enough, portals from another universe start to enter Earth. He wants to protect the people he loves from these portals, but will he be able to? He doesn't even know who he is or how he got his powers. He doesn't even know how to physically maintain his powers. He's scared to lose his friends. He's never really had friends, so with all these people around him, he's glad he's not alone anymore. How do you think he'll cope with the portals? How do you think the portals will affect everyday life? Will he be able to protect the ones he loves? Find out as you advance the story with Ryan Leviath and his friends.