A Deltarune Story: This tale follows the point of view of a 16 year-old male high school student known as Brian Wills. He thought living in a monster town would be as boring as a human town. As his story goes on, he figures himself wrong. David meets plenty of interesting new friends and becomes very fond of 3 certain monsters! He is happy to be ALIVE! Before you read: this book has events that take place BEFORE Deltarune, just to fill in backstory for the MC; the MC will take part in the main story of Deltarune and more will happen after. All characters related to Deltarune belong to Toby Fox, the MC belongs to me. Warning: Mature language and blood. Milestones: 100 reads - 2/13/2019 200 reads - 2/22/2019 300 reads - 4/25/2019 400 reads - 5/08/2019 500 reads - 6/27/2019 600 reads - 8/19/2019