Teresa is the first girl to arrive in the Glade? False. The first girl in the Glade was in fact Mia, she arrived over a year before Thomas and Teresa. The reason no one talks about her, they all think she is dead. Mia arrived in the box, same as everyone else but here's the catch, she doesn't talk. Not can't, doesn't. After a few months in the Glade Mia is sick of it, she runs off into the Maze at sundown. The Gladers assume she is dead when they don't hear from her for a week. But in reality she has been living in the maze with the Grievers, she made friends with a few of them and they protected her from the others, she runs around the maze during the night and hides during the day so that the Runners wouldn't see her. She has lived like that for almost a year now, watching over her Glader friends from afar. Each month she would watch as the new Greenie would come up in the box but then one night after a year in the maze her friends Minho and Alby get stuck in the Maze with the new Greenie. Mia joins them and starts to feel something for the Greenie. She joins in the adventure, surprising all the Gladers. This is her journey. This is a Maze Runner, Thomas X OC, fanfiction. I own nothing except for Mia and her plotline, everything else belongs to the amazing James Dashner.