Book 2, for the middle earth series... Michael has began to start to grow found of his group and his companions... They trust him, and he also trusts them back... How ever, what Michael has not noticed, as well as the rest of the group... That there has in fact been a witch who has been with them all this time... And that she has in fact been watching over them, and controlling their path this entire time, all at the exact same time too... But the witch, expecting them to give up on thier little journey, soon realizes that it will not be the case... She now realizes that she must take matters in to her own hands... For the safety of her own friend, and for the safety of all of the kingdoms... She decides that now is the time to speak to Michael... As the witch speaks to Michael about how dangerous what it is that he is doing to search for his own father... She comes to realize after finding out some more stuff about Michael and his kingdom... That how important, and in how much danger their kingdom is in... The search for his father is more important than the fact that she is protecting him... As the witch finds that out, she then takes the lead for Michael and the rest of his group out in to the wilderness, and out in to the unknown lands... In search for a man that has not been seen for over a decade...
46 parts