**Synopsis:** On January 1, 2045, the tranquil Polillo group of islands is inexplicably transported to an alternate Earth, back to the late 19th century, a time marked by powerful colonial empires and intense geopolitical conflicts. In this alternate world, where the strong subjugate the weak, the Spanish Empire is in decline, and the islands must navigate this turbulent era with their advanced 21st-century technology and knowledge. Initially, the islanders concentrate on adapting to their new environment and managing the era's harsh conditions, including disease and limited resources. The East Philippine Sea Command, a modern military unit also displaced to this time, takes on the task of protecting the islands and gathering crucial intelligence. As Spain's hold on its colonies weakens in this alternate timeline, the islanders and the Command recognize their strategic opportunity. They begin to discreetly influence local dynamics, preparing to support the rise of the Philippine Revolution. Their objective is to navigate the complexities of colonial rule, contribute to the revolutionary cause, and subtly shift the balance of power in the region. In a world where colonial powers dominate and nations vie for control, the islanders and the Command play a crucial role in shaping the course of history, balancing their advanced knowledge with the realities of this alternate past to impact the future of the Philippines. --- Pictures, videos, and music used in the book are for reference purposes only and belong to their respective owners. If you have any requests for removal, please contact me. ---