In the unforgiving world of Argent Academy, students are ranked by their prowess, tested through perilous and often deadly exams. Each class, from the lowly Class 14-E to the elite Class 1-A, competes ruthlessly to survive. But above them all, whispered in rumor and legend, is a mythical rank that only the most exceptional can hope to attain-Level Zero. Rai Katsuro, a cold and emotionless genius from Class 10-E, hides a monstrous power deep within. While others strive to climb the academy's ranks, Rai has no interest in the fame or glory that comes with victory. But when his calm, calculated demeanor draws the attention of powerful factions after he effortlessly defeats the notorious Toru Saito, the quiet life he once knew begins to unravel. With shadowy forces moving in on him and enemies plotting his downfall, Rai must decide whether to stay in the background or seize control of his destiny. As he faces intense battles, manipulative foes, and the looming threat of Level Zero, Rai's journey will test the very limits of his power, his resolve, and his humanity. Level Zero is a story of survival, dominance, and the dark secrets buried within Argent Academy. The only way to win is to outsmart, outfight, and outlast everyone else-because in this game, there are no second chances.
8 parts