In the quaint, seemingly idyllic town of Wethersfield, a storm is brewing beneath the surface. Alison Fowler, a high school senior with a sharp mind and an unyielding spirit confronts typical challenges a teenage girl goes through during high school, school bullies, a former love interest haunting her, difficult life at home... However, she isn't lost, with the help of her dear friends, she overcomes these challenges with quite some ease and tries to live her life to the fullest. This all changes one day when she receives a strange invitation, claiming that a reunion is happening in the woods of Wethersfield. Alice with a keen nose, smells danger and prepares herself for the unknown. Rumors around the forest claim that people went missing years from now, and even if Alice isn't fond of rumors, she still believes them, and for a good reason. Discover the secrets of Wethersfield in Crumbling Dreams Part One.