In a world where fate seems predetermined, two women-Sangedet and Hope-live on the edge between the past and the future. One is the heiress to an empire, trapped in the golden cage of her father's ambitions in the scorching heat of Thailand. The other is a poet who has lost herself in her own fears, hiding from the world in the cool solitude of Ukraine. Their lives, which were never meant to cross, converge at a crossroads of destiny, where each must decide: to submit to circumstances or risk finding freedom, true love, and their true selves. Is their meeting a coincidence or inevitability? What lies behind the calm routines, and are they ready to open the door to a different, dangerous world where every step could be decisive? A mysterious and passionate story that intertwines souls in the darkness, leaving no one indifferent. "Keep Me" is a tale that burns with an inner fire and makes you think about the invisible threads that bind us to our fate. "I'm sorry. English is not the native language of the book."