In a time of peace following the Fourth Shinobi War, Naruto Uzumaki, the Seventh Hokage, stands vigilant over his beloved village of Konoha. However, that tranquility is shattered when a powerful Otsutsuki descends upon the realm, targeting Naruto and the hidden village. During a fierce confrontation, Naruto suffers a devastating loss-a close friend or family member killed in a brutal attack meant to send a message. Haunted by grief and fueled by a burning desire for justice, Naruto embarks on a perilous quest to hunt down the Otsutsuki responsible. As he uncovers a sinister plot known as "Project Ascendance," designed to drain chakra from countless worlds and enslave them, Naruto realizes the true scale of the threat facing not just his village but the entire multiverse. In his quest for strength, he must push beyond his limits, unlocking new powers and forming alliances with former enemies and allies alike. With the fate of countless lives hanging in the balance, Naruto races against time to thwart the Otsutsuki's ambitions. But can he overcome the darkness within himself, or will the shadows of vengeance consume him? This story is created mostly by chatgpt.
16 parts