Yello i am HelpiDied a title of which has no relation to my current predicament  at all.A predicament that certainly  would not anything to do with death and or a certain semi-religious figure of grim standards.
  • InscritJanuary 26, 2016


Dernier message
Helpidied Helpidied May 23, 2017 02:58PM
i made a new story, it's all about life mysterys and shit, tell me what to waste 7 nights thinking about next
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Histoires par ComedyIsIndefinite
Something Funnier, the epic and convoluted sequel. par Helpidied
Something Funnier, the epic and co...
My humor has evolved, I have transcended the mighty squirrels that ravange the ground of its fallen acorns, h...
Something funny. par Helpidied
Something funny.
The formula for comedy is a such : set-up for joke->joke->hilarity ensues->setup for next joke->...
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