I live for encouragement, because I believe we'all pass through a phase in life which is sometimes clouded by uncertainties, fear, self-doubt and comparison, amidst a lot of other things.

What I majorly wish to tell people:

# Find yourself. Discover who you truly are; what you really love, and embrace it.

# Always remember to stop living in your past, or in regrets. Because doing so keeps you stagnant. It steals your happiness, and limits the way you see the world.

# What people say about you is not what's important. It's what you say about yourself that matters the most. However, what people say about you can always influence what you say about yourself, especially negatively. So, don't make that happen!

# Stop waiting for people to appreciate you, for people to love you or how you look. Love yourself, appreciate yourself. Don't build "you" on a solid foundation of self-hate (just because of what people might have said), and stop wishing to be another person. You are unique and different. One of a kind. You are an original version, and the only version of you, so why wish to be the photocopy version of another person?

# Have your own mind, don't always follow the crowd. Don't do things, just because everyone is doing it, and don't stop or change what you want to do, just because no one is doing it.

# Dreaming is not enough. You still have to work towards it. You still have to make a move towards achieving what you've always wanted,

# And remember, if you don't go for it, it can never happen!

I'm a seventeen-year-old, who's still learning how to create the world I want to live in with my own stories.

I love watermelons, garnishing my own noodles (preferably Golden penny), tigernuts, African braids, and a variety of Nigerian foods.
  • BergabungJanuary 3, 2020

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