-I'm a brunette but I love dying my hair red, so one of my nicknames is 'Cupcake.'

-My eyes are brown but I prefer blue eyes. They're so pretty and it feels like the person is looking straight into your soul (hence, do NOT have a stare down!! I repeat, DO NOT)

-I'm the girl you could call at 4am if you're having a problem. I really don't mind. I'll probably be up anyway. #insomniac

-If you like laughing, you should chat to me (:

-I think rain is majestic

-My favourite colour is aqua

-I love looking at the sea because it's calming but I don't like swimming ._.

-Food is amazing (but I think you already knew that ;P). Doughnuts, pizza and ice-cream are personal favourites xx

-Music is like doughnuts for my soul (0.0) Let's put some metal on *click* ;)

-I AM THE FREAKING BIGGEST COLDPLAY FAN EVER!!! Like, this once, I totally freaked out (jumping, screaming, the whole shebang) because Chris Martin gave this lady a hug... ON TV ._. (Yes, I know I'm lame XD)

-I love using emojis :P Especially this one ._.

-Nothing ever makes sense when you're around me ._.

-I'm basically a contradiction. I'm an introverted extrovert ._. If that even makes sense

-Actually, I love a lot of things. Laughing, reading, sleeping, being outside, singing... (my shower just so happens to think I'm awesome, okay?!)

-I really don't care what people think... but sometimes I do ._.

-I'm really really crazy (like some people think I'm mental) but that's okay. I generally have a good time. And apparently I'm not alone either since every second person on here claims to be crazy :D YAY!! Let's have a tea party!! (Bring snacks at own risk XD)

-My favourite joke right now would have to be:

"Knock knock."
"Who's there?"
"Daisy who?"
"Daisy me rollin', they hatin'!!!!" XD

-I actually don't know what to say anymore but I guess you just wasted your time here ._.

  • The Southern Hemisphere
  • انضمDecember 24, 2011

قصص بقلم thegirlnextdoorxoxo
Warzone (Coming Soon) بقلم thegirlnextdoorxoxo
Warzone (Coming Soon)
Since the beginning of time, the stories that are remembered, the stories that are told by men are those of w...
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