Starving (Adam Ruzek x Female)

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General POV
Ally showed up to work and everyone could tell she didn't look like herself. She was usually happy and joking with everybody. Now, she is silent and staring into space.

"Hey Ally, you okay?" Hailey asked, concerned for her best friend.

"Yeah, I'm good, just tired." Ally replied as Voight came out of his office.

"Everybody gear up, we got a bust." He said and everyone left quickly.The bust went surprisingly well considering that the suspect was the most wanted in Chicago. They had no other cases, so they were just doing paperwork and chatting. All Ally could think about was that she had to do this. Just a bit longer. Maybe he would date her if she did this. She was distracted by the piece of paper thrown at her face. She looked up confused.

"Sorry, I have bad aim." Adam said, which made her chuckle. She doesn't understand why. What does Kim have that she doesn't? Ally never really liked Kim. She found her rude and disrespectful.

"I'm going to go get lunch, what does everybody want?" Kevin asked.Everyone gave him their orders and he looked at Ally.

"Oh, I'm good." Ally said, hoping the team wouldn't get suspicious of what she was doing.

"Okay then." Kev said as he left the bullpen.

"I hate paperwork." Adam said out of nowhere, causing everyone to chuckle.

"We know. That's why you always have lots to do because you never do it when you are supposed to." Hailey said which made everyone laugh. Voight came out of his office and looked at hailey and jay.

"I need you guys to meet up with some of your CIs about a murder in Bridgeport." He said and both of the detectives nodded. That just left Kim, Adam, and ally in the bullpen. Things were awkward between ally and Kim. Ally thinks it's because Kim knows that she likes Adam.

"Does anyone want any coffee?" Adam asked.

"Yeah." Kim said rudely.

"Yes please." Ally replied politely. He went into the bullpen and made their coffees. Kim ended up going in there because she was bored. Ally doesn't understand how Adam can like Kim. Ally went to get a file from the other side of the bullpen. As she was walking back to her desk, she collapsed. Adam and Kim quickly ran out of the break room.

"Ally, can you hear me?" Adam asked panicking. Ally couldn't hear anything he was saying. She had fallen unconscious. Adam and Kim quickly took her in their car to med.

"Can I have some help?" Adam shouted, running into the ED, carrying Ally.

"What happened?" Will asked.

"She just collapsed." Kim replied. Will took her to a treatment room and started attaching lots of wires. Kim and Adam were stood outside of the room, watching their team member lie unconsciously on the bed. After a few minutes, Will came out.

"Is she alright?" Adam asked.

"I'm not sure yet. I have to run some tests." Will replied. Kim and Adam went and sat in the chairs in Ally's room. They waited quietly for a while until Kim spoke up.

"Why are we even here? Will said he needed to run tests and that will be a while. We are no use just sitting here." She said.

"Kim, don't be so rude. She wouldn't want to be alone when she wakes up." He replied coldly. He was about to say something else when he saw ally's hand move.

"Ally, can you here me?" He asked.

"Yeah." She croaked.

"Thank god you're awake." He said. She was about to say something when Will walked in.

"Nice to see you awake Ally. I have your test results back." He said.

"Is she gonna be alright?" Adam asked.

"She collapsed because her body doesn't have enough vitamins and nutrients." Will replied.

"So she's going to be alright." Kim said.

"No she's not. She needs to stop starving herself or she's going to get sick." He said and the two detectives looked shocked. Ally was upset that they knew. They were probably going to judge her now. Will's pager buzzed and he left quickly. Adam turned to face the hurting detective.

"Ally, why would you starve yourself?" He asked softly.

"It's pretty obvious Adam. She has a crush on you. She thinks if she starves herself, you will go out with her. Which, by the way, is never going to happen." Kim said coldly. Adam was shocked. Was his girlfriend right? Did she like him? He faced the detective who was almost in tears.

"Is this true?" He asked. She couldn't look him in the eye. What if he hated her? What if he thought she was pathetic?

"Yeah." She choked out. He moved closer to her.

"You are beautiful just the way you are." He said, causing a smile to creep up onto her lips.

"Kim, we're done." He said leaving both of them shocked. She left angrily and Adam leaned in and kissed Ally softly. She was surprised, but she enjoyed every millisecond of it.

"Promise me you won't starve yourself anymore." He said softly, resting his hand on hers.

"I promise." She replied.

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