Awkward Situations (Voight's Daughter)

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Amelia's POV
I was at home. My dad Hank was at work so there was no one in the house. I took this as my opportunity to invite my girlfriend over. I recently realised that I am a lesbian. I haven't told my father because I didn't want to disappoint him.

My girlfriend soon arrived and we went upstairs into my room. We started watching a movie, but by the time it ended, we were already making out. Things were going so well; that was until we heard a gasp.

I looked up and saw Adam and Kevin. They work with my dad, they are like my uncles.

I froze. I didn't know what to do.

"Umm, I'm going to go." My girlfriend said. She left my house and I sat looking down. Adam and Kevin were still stood there silent.

I suddenly broke down into tears. Adam came rushing over to me.

"Hey, what's the matter squirt?" He asked.

"I'm sorry, please don't hate me. I didn't mean to be this way." I cried. I was immediately enveloped in a hug.

"Hey, we don't hate you little one. You have nothing to be sorry for okay. We are not mad." Adam said reassuringly.

"But I'm not normal." I said. Adam placed a kiss on my head.

"You are perfectly normal. There is nothing wrong with you. You are perfect okay." He said and I smiled slightly.

"How come you didn't tell anyone?" Kevin asked.

"You guys are literally the only family I have. I didn't want you guys to be mad at me." I answered truthfully.

"Come here shorty." He said and pulled me into a hug.

"Please don't tell my dad, he'll hate me, I know he will." I begged.

"He won't hate you Amelia, you're his daughter." Adam said.

"Why are you two even here?" I asked.

"Your dad didn't want you at home on your own. He said you would've used being on your own as an opportunity for you to have a boy round." Kevin answered and I chuckled slightly.

"Will he be mad if he finds out it was a girl?" I asked and Adam smiled.

"Probably. It doesn't matter who you're with, whether they are a guy or a girl, he doesn't want any funny business." He said.

"It's not like I was going to do anything anyway." I said.

"You were making out with the girl, things could've gone further, you never know." He said.

"They would not have." I said.

"Why are you so sure that nothing would've happened?" Kevin asked. I stayed silent. I really wasn't going to have this conversation with them.

"Say it, what's the reason?" Adam asked.

"Because we are both on our periods." I said and they scrunched up their faces.

"And that is why neither of you have a girlfriend." I said grabbing my coat, "you freak out at the smallest things. Menstruation is a natural thing. You two wouldn't be alive if it wasn't."

"Okay, enough of the health class." Adam said and I chuckled.

"I'm going to get the car started." Kevin said. I got my shoes on.

"Are you sure you're not mad?" I asked Adam and he sighed. He wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head on his chest.

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