I Don't Want You Here (Voight's Daughter)

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General POV
Hank was working in his office when his phone rang.


"Hi there, is this Hank Voight? Father of Jordan Voight."

"Yes, that's me."

"I'm the principal at her school. I just wanted to inform you that Jordan got badly during gym class and is on the way to Chicago Med now."

"O-Okay thank you."

Hank hung up the phone and quickly grabbed his coat. He headed into the bullpen.

"Jordan got injured in gym class at school. She's on her way to med." He said and everyone was shocked. They all got up and headed to the hospital. When they walked in, Will immediately went over to Hank.

"Is she alright?" The scared father asked.

"She's being treated now. She's got a fractured leg and a laceration on her head which I'm about to go stitch up now." Will replied and everyone let out a breath.

"Can we see her?" Hank asked.

"I'd usually say no, but since it's you guys, I'll let it slide." The redhead replied. The group of detectives followed Will to Jordan's room and went inside.

"Hey guys." The young girl said happily. Hank kissed his baby girl's head

"You're cheery." Jay said.

"Well one Voight has to be." She said and everyone started laughing.

"How did this happen?" Hank asked.

"We were playing football and I was about to score a the winning goal. A girl on the other team saw and tackled me." She explained.

"Are you sure you're alright kid?" Kevin asked.

"I'm fine." She replied smiling. Will came back in the room looking sad and puzzled.

"What is it doc?" Kim asked.

"I've got Jordan's test results back." He said.

"What is it?" Jordan asked.

"It's saying here that your body barely has any nutrients or vitamins." He explained.

"What does that mean Will?" Jay asked.

"That paired with the fact that she's really slim suggests she hasn't been eating." He said and everyone looked confused. They all turned to look at Jordan who had tears in her eyes.

"Is this true?" Hank asked his daughter.

"Of course it's not, I'm fine." She said angrily.

The team left and went to speak outside.

"Why hasn't she been eating?" Hank asked.

"Could be bullying." Adam suggested.

"She would tell me." He stated.

"I don't think she would." Hailey said.

"You and Kim go talk to her, see if she says anything." He suggested and both women nodded, heading back into Jordan's room.

"Hey." Kim said softly as her and hailey sat down on each side of Jordan's hospital bed.

"Let me guess, my dad sent you in here to try and figure out what's wrong with me." The girl assumed.

"We just want to know what's going on. We all care about you Jordan. It's clear in your test results that you haven't been eating. It's not healthy Jordan." Hailey said.

"What would you know about it?" Jordan asked rhetorically.

"A lot actually. I had Body Dysmorphic Disorder  when I was around your age." She replied which left both Jordan and Kim shocked.

"Yeah, growing up I always felt like people were paying attention to how I looked and how skinny I was. It got out of hand and I started eating less and less. It really changes a person. You have to stop doing this Jordan." Hailey said with tears collecting in her eyes.

"I wanted this boy to like me. I thought if I stopped eating, he would like me." Jordan muttered and both Kim and hailey hugged her.

"Never change yourself for a boy okay? You are perfect just the way you are." Kim said.

"Thanks guys you're the best." Jordan said smiling. Kim and hailey headed back into the hallway.

"What did she say?" Hank asked worriedly.

"She stopped eating because she wanted a boy to like her. She thought he would go out with her if she stopped eating." Kim replied and the man sighed.

"Let's go back in there." He said.

"Don't bring it up." Hailey said and they all looked at her in confusion.

"She's embarrassed. Don't start talking about it. Just pretend everything is the same." She explained and they all nodded. The team headed back into Jordan's room and talked to her to try and make her feel better.

Just then, a voice was heard.

"Mind if I crash the party?" Erin asked walking into the hospital room. Everyone was shocked. No one had seen her in 3 years since she moved to New York.

"I went to the district and Platt said you were all here." She said.

"Get out." Jordan said leaving everyone surprised, including Erin.

"What?" Erin said hurt.

"Get out. I don't need you here. I don't even know why you're here to be honest." The girl said.

"I'm thinking of moving back and I came to see you because you're my sister." Erin defended herself.

"You're no sister. A sister doesn't leave another sister. When I needed you most, you left. You took the coward's way out. You're not going to come here and ruin things again. I'm all glued back together now. I don't need you messing up my life. I don't need you here and I don't want you here!" Jordan shouted and everyone was taken aback. Jordan never yells, ever.

"Jordan, calm down honey." Hailey said comfortingly. She didn't want the young girl's heart rate to increase.

"Get out Erin! I hate you!" Jordan shouted crying. Hailey pulled the girl into a hug since she was closest.

"You may not want me, but Jay definitely does." Erin said smiling. Jay opened his mouth to say something, but Jordan cut him off.

"No he doesn't. He's with hailey and he's happy. He's happier than he was when he was with you. None of us want you here. They're getting married and you're not going to come in here and screw everything up." Jordan said angrily and Erin left.

Jordan then started laughing and everyone looked at her in confusion.

"That felt good." She said and everyone chuckled.

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