Secret Wife (Hailey Upton x Female)

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General POV

Hailey had always been secretive, there was no doubt about that, but everyone in Intelligence had thought she had started to open up a bit. That was until the day she got hurt.

Hailey rose from her slumber to find the other side of the bed empty and feeling rather cold, a frown growing on her face. However, it wasn't long until she heard light footsteps. Hailey grinned at the sight of her gorgeous wife sporting a dishevelled bed head look.

"Hey, I was hoping you wouldn't wake up while I was gone, I wanted to surprise you." Macie said, carrying a breakfast tray.

"Surprise me, why?" Hailey asked obliviously, smiling as Macie rolled her eyes.

"Because 29 years ago on this very day my favourite person in the entire world was born and I wanted to make her breakfast in bed to start the day." She replied causing Hailey to blush.

Macie climbed into bed with Hailey as they both started eating their waffles.

"I'm so mad I have to work today." Hailey complained earning a kiss on the cheek from Macie.

"Me too sweetie, but it also means I can plan an amazing evening for us while you're saving Chicago." She explained.

"I love you Mae." Hailey admitted.

"I love you too Hails. Now time for presents." Macie exclaimed excitedly, hurrying off to get her surprises for Hailey.

"I thought I told you not to get me anything." Hailey said sternly, although Macie knew there was no true anger beneath it.

"You know I would never listen to you gorgeous." Hailey giggled at this.

They both sat in bed, Macie's arms around Hailey's as she opened the gift bag from her wife. Hailey was shocked to see that she had gotten her a weighted blanket.

"I-I-" She stuttered, starting to tear up.

"Shh, it's okay. I know you've been struggling with your insomnia and anxiety recently, so I thought this might help." Macie said, hugging Hailey whilst stroking her hair.

"Thank you baby."

"You're welcome honey, but there's more." She replied, watching Hailey's confused face.

"You need to stop spoiling me." Hailey said annoyed, although she was smiling.

"Yeah, never gonna happen." Macie smirked as Hailey opened her other gift.

As much as Hailey loved her first gift, this one brought her to tears. It was a photo album of all of her and Macie's moments, all the way from when they dated as teenagers up until present day.

"I love you so much Hailey, and I wanted to show you no matter how much time changes, and things around us change, that it will always be you and me." Macie softly spoke, and Hailey didn't think she had ever hugged someone so tight.

Hailey Upton loved her wife more than anything, that's why no one knows about her. There are two main reasons that the Intelligence Unit don't know that Hailey has a wife.

Number 1 is for protection. The second that Hailey became a cop, she tried to keep Macie out of it and this is how she did it. In every unit she has ever been in, no one apart from her sergeants have known. The only person in Intelligence who knows is Platt because she's known Hailey since she was 12 and also Macie is listed as Hailey's emergency contact.

Number 2 is that growing up, both Hailey and Macie experienced a lot of homophobia and even though Hailey is sure Intelligence wouldn't be like that, she was till cautious.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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