Please read this!

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Hello everyone! :D

This has really nothing to do with my story except for the fact that I want to tell you that I´m soon going to have a winter break and will be able to update a bit more :D

Now what I am really writing about is how thankful I am to this whole thing with wattpad and everyone that is on it :D I feel really blessed to be able to connect with other Directioners in the world and it feels so crazy that we are all brought together by these five boys that we all love and adore :D<3 So yeah I just want to tell you all that even if I have never meet you and probably never will, it feels really cool to have this “connection” to you all :D

You probably think that I am sorta weird right now but this time of year I just feel like telling people that I love them ;) <3

So spread a little love tomorrow or today and please comment an tell me where in the world you´re from :D

Love to all of you beautiful Directioners, you are all very close to my heart :D



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