Between life and death (part 1)

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Harry´s POV:

“So Harry” the lady that was interviewing us said and looked deep into my eyes. “All the other lads got a special lady, but how about you? Is there someone in your life that your fans should know about?”

”No there isn´t” I smiled polite back.

“But what about Taylor Swift?” the woman continued and I felt my cheeks turn red. I used to date Taylor but compared to what I have with Jennie Taylor was just a fling. I mean I am having a baby with the woman for Christ sake!

“No, I´m not dating Taylor Swift” I smiled a little. “She´s a great artiste but we are just friends”.

“Okay, you heard it here, Harry Styles is single and ready to mingle!” the woman exclaimed and I stopped a impulse to roll my eyes. We walked backstage and I felt like crawling up into a little ball and fall asleep. I am so tired and I just want to have Jennie hugging me until I fall asleep. But of course, my phone had to start buzzing at the same time as Louis.

“Hello?” I said board and I could hear Sarah´s voice on the other end.

“Harry thank god I got a hold of you!” she screamed. It sounded like she was crying and I got worried.

“What´s wrong!” I yelled back. “Is Jennie okay?”

“She´s in the hospital Harry, she and Eleanor was in a car crash just one hour ago” Sarah cried and my heart almost stopped.

Car crash!? Is she going to be alright? Is the baby going to be alright? Where they even alive? All these thoughts passed throw my head as I hung up the phone and grabbed Louis arm, who was in just as much shock as me, and dragged him out to our car. I got in and drove out from the parking lot, only to be meet by screaming fans. I honked and luckily for them they moved. I would´t hesitate to run them over if I had to.

“Who called you?” I asked Louis as he was starring out in to empty space.

“Danielle, she was the last person El called” he muttered and I felt a knot in my stomach untie. At least they weren´t alone.

We drove up by the hospital and got out and ran inside. I was shocked to see how many people that already had manage to come. My mother (when she got into town I have no idea), my sister, Doniya, Ruth, Danielle, Little Mix, El´s parents and Sarah.

“Is she alive!?” Louis screamed and shock Gemma who was standing closest.

“She´s in surgery” Gemma mumbled with the tears streaming down her face. “They don´t know if she is going to make it”.

I thought Louis was going to go mad, absolutely one hundred percent mad and that is almost what he did.

“YOU!?” he screamed and pointed a finger at Sarah of all people. “This is all your fault!”

“Louis calm down, you don´t know what you´re talking about” Perrie said, trying to clam him down by putting her hand on his shoulder.

“I am not going to calm down!” he screamed and shrugged her of.

“She planned this, she´s after to kill everyone!” he cried/screamed until his voice cracked.

“Louis stop it, you don´t know what you´re saying it´s the shock talking!” Ruth cried and I grabbed his arms as a he started to wave with his arms.

“Help! Someone please!” I yelled and some nurses came running and one of them gave Louis a shot. He tensed up but then his eyes got all hazy and he relaxed in my arms.

“Ma'am” I said and got one of the nurses attention. “Do you know where I can find Jennie James?” I asked her and I could see how she gave her colleague a worried look.

“What´s happened to her?” I asked and felt the panic come creeping. My sister, my mum and Sarah all tried to grab my arm and pull me with them but I needed a answer.

“I´m sorry sir, but she´s dead” the nurse said and my whole world came crashing down. A few minutes ago I had been worrying about Taylor Swift and now my girlfriend and my baby is dead.  

Okay, I know i said update in Thursday but I felt like updating sooner and there will be another chapter tomorrow so don´t worry, I know it´s a cliffhanger but you wont have to wait to long.

Please, vote, fan, comment and I will love you guys for ever :D

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