The letter

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Jennie´s POV:

I grabbed my bag from the kitchen floor and threw it up on my shoulder. My entire body hurt and especially my lady parts. I mean I just pushed something that was in the size of mini pig out my vagina. I pulled out the paper from the bag where I had written down the exploitation to why I was leaving Harry. I had written it in the hospital and unfortunately it had some stains of tears on it. I put on my shoes and slide out the back door. I jumped over the fence and got into Sarah´s car.

"Hi" she greeted me warmly. She kissed my lips softly and I just kept thinking that this is why I'm leaving them. This right now. This kiss. This woman.

"Are you ready?" I whispered when I pulled away.

"I was born ready" Sarah smiled and started driving. We drove in silence. I needed to take all my strength to keep the tears from falling. The pain in my chest was brutal but I was doing this for my daughter. I couldn't raise her, telling her that who ever she was is okay when I would be living such a lie myself. Harry will give her a great life, I'm sure of that.

Sarah parked the car outside of the airport, leaving the keys in and all the doors unlocked. We didn't need the car anymore. We weren't coming back.

"Someone will probably steal it and be happy about that" she smiled before she grabbed her and my stuff and we walked to the check in. after going through all the different controls we finally got to our gate.

I took a deep breath when I looked at the door to the airplane. I can't change my mind after this, I can't go back.

"Miss?" a flight attendant said.

"Yes?" I relied and snapped out of my thoughts.

"The plane is about to take off, would you please board?" she asked kind.

Sarah tugged on my shirt and I followed her into the plane. The door closed behind us and the engines started. This was it, there is no turning back.

Harry´s POV:

Previously on Daddy is here:

"Babe she's sleeping" I said quite as I entered the kitchen where I had left Jennie. But it was empty. All that was in there was my bag, Darcy´s car seat and a not.

"To my dearest Harry" it said with Jennie´s handwriting.

What's going on? Where the hell is Jennie?

I was starring at the letter on the kitchen table. Please tell me that I'm dreaming and that I'll wake up soon I thought. I pinched myself but nothing happened. I took the letter and opened it. Inside it said,

Harry when you read this I'm already going to be on my way out of your life for ever but I don't want to leave without explaining some things first. I owe you the truth and nothing but the truth, you have earned that much from me these last months when you have been nothing but hopelessly devoted to me.

Harry I'm not leaving because I don't love you, I do love you, but not the way that you deserves to be loved. I have been leading you on every sens the first day we meet. You see I don't like men. I like women and you hurt the woman I love more then anything in this world. I only started to date you so I could break you the way you broke her but then we made that huge mistake. I never planned to get pregnant but I didn't have the heart to have an abortion sens this might be the only time in my life I would have the chance to have a child. During these last nine month I have started to love you but like I said, not the way you deserve. I love you more like a friend and that is why I left. It's not fair of me to lie to you and to Darcy. You deserve a woman who can love you the way you deserve and Darcy doesn't deserve a mother like me.

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