Nialler's chocolate chip pancakes

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Eleanor´s POV:

“ Lou be nice now, this is important to Harry” I said as Louis and I stepped out of the car outside of Harry´s house. Louis hadn´t seen Jennie in two weeks sens he and Niall walked in on her and Harry on the sofa.

“ I promise that I will try” he muttered and gave me a soft kiss. “ But I don´t understand why he wants us all to have breakfast together”.

“ He wants us to get to know her, darling” I smiled. “ Sens we are the only once they trust enough to even tell about their relationship”.

“ Don´t you think that it´s a bit weird?” he asked me. “ That she doesn´t want any one to know?”

“ A tad perhaps, but it´s none of our business” I replied and rang the door bell. No more walking in on Harry and his girlfriend on the sofa episodes, please.

The door opened and Harry and his cheeky grin appeared.

“ Hello” he smiled happy and I just hopped that Louis would´t fight with Jennie today. “ Well come on in then!” Harry laughed and moved away from the door and we followed him inside and into the kitchen. Niall were making chocolate chip pancakes and Liam, Zayn and Perrie were sitting around the table watching him. I could´t see Jennie but I just assumed that she was in the bathroom.

I took a look at the large mountain of pancakes that Niall had made and they smelled delicious.

I took a lite piece of one of the pancakes and tasted it and said,

“ Wow, Niall you´re really getting good at cooking”. The pancake was so good. He smiled at me but did´t say anything sens he had his own mouth full of pancake. I could see that Harry´s face suddenly lit up and I turned around and saw Jennie in the doorway. Her face on the other hand was making a face like she was smelling old milk and she said,

“ What is that smell?” before she ran out and into the bathroom. I looked over at Perrie and she looked back at me and we were both thinking the same thing. The guys on the other hand just starred after her and Niall said,

“ Do my pancakes smell that bad?”. He sounded a bit sad but Zayn cheered him up by telling hi m that it could´t have been his pancakes.

“ Should I go and check on her?” Harry asked worried. He looked like a sad puppy.

“ We can do it” Perrie said and jerked her neck at me. I nodded, gave Louis a kiss and then followed her to the bathroom. I knocked on the door and a groan came from the inside so I opened. Jennie were lying on her knees with her head bent over the toilet and it smelled like she had vomited.

“ Are you okay?” Perrie asked her, as she handed her a tissue.

“ I don´t know what happened” she said and sounded like she was on her way to start cry. “ When I smelled the pancakes my stomach just turned inside out”.

I looked at Perrie and yet again we thought the same thing and I said,

“ I know that this is none of my business, but woman to woman, have you missed your period or something?”

“ Or maybe had a lot of back aches, sore boobs, some more morning sickness?” Perrie filled in. '

“ You think I´m pregnant?” Jennie asked us and well, we could´t do anything else but nod which made her suppressed tears to break throw.

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