2)The Lump and her pink butterfly wings

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2) The lump and her pink butterfly wings

I wake up in bed in a small room, similar to a college dorm. I have no idea what the hell happened or where the hell I am, but I'm hungry.

I manage to crawl out from under the white covers of the bed and take in my surroundings. There's a set of double doors near the foot of the bed, a closet by the looks of it. I see a large wooden desk cluttered with books and papers, and two thick wooden doors on opposite sides of the room. One must lead to a bathroom, the other to a hallway maybe? And there's another bed across from the one I woke up in.

There's a lump in the bed. The lump is moving slightly, as if the lump could breath. I take a timid step closer and examine the wiggling lump. I shuffle my feet a little closer and lightly poke the lump. The lump wiggles a bit and turns it's little lump self to face me.


I jump back in surprise, the rude little lump hybrid human thing scared the shit out of me! I lean in a little and take a good look at the lump hybrid human thing's head. It's got a blonde pony tail and green eyes that look huge compared to the rest of her little lump self. The lump is thin but you can tell she's got some strength to her, kind of like me, only blonde and smaller. The lump has tiny speckles of freckles, and itty bitty pink lips that are slowly forming a tiny smile.

The blonde speckled lump hybrid human thing pushes the covers aside and hops out of bed, standing a few inches away from me. Blonde speckled lump hybrid human thing is quiet small, the top of its pony tail just barely reaches my shoulders.

It looked up at me and smiled. "Hi! You must be my new roommate! I'm Jacqueline Skiline, but everyone calls me Jackie. Do you have a name or do I get to name you?"

Oh she's a delight, very perky, I think we'll get along okay. Maybe.

I smile a little "No, you don't get to name me," I say giggling, slightly nervous. "My name's Payton Haven."


My stomach growls so loud the sound takes Jackie by surprise and she falls back on her bed. I laugh a little as she gets back on her feet.

"Alright let's get down to business." I tell her trying hard not to smile, "Where am I and where do you keep the food?"

She looks up at me grinning, "We're at the Guardian Angel Academy, of course! And we keep the food in the Mess Hall."

Guardian Angel Academy? Why would I be at a Guardian Angel Academy? Does that even exist?

I guess it was pretty obvious that I was baffled by the whole "Guardian Angel Academy" thing because Jackie giggled. "I'll explain it all over breakfast, come on." she took me by the hand and pulled me in the direction of the door. Or rather, she tugged me , since I'm so much bigger than she is she can't pull me well.

She tugged me a few steps, then released me so she could open the door. She pulled the door open with a little difficulty, then motioned for me to follow.

"This way to food!" she said pointing outside of the room, her pony tail swishing behind her head as she rushed giddily into the hall. I grinned and walked out, she can't possibly be any older than 7.

I followed Jackie through a long corridor, and when it finally ended, we were standing at a dead end facing a window. Jackie turned to me, "Has anyone told you about your wings yet?"

Wings? Guardian angels? What is this kid talking about?

"No one said anything about wings" I answered truthfully "you're the first person I've met since I got here."

Jackie smiled widely "Great! That means I get to teach you how to control your wings!" She jumped up and down on the balls of her feet with excitement.

I am beyond confused. "My what?"

She giggled at my lack of knowledge concerning wings. "Your wings, silly! All you have to do is close your eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine your shoulder blades growing into wings. You can imagine any color or style of wings you want. I use pink butterfly wings, but I've always wanted to see rainbow eagle wings."

I nodded "I guess I'll try the rainbow eagle wings then." I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine my shoulder blades sprouting into giant, multicolored eagle wings. Almost immediately I felt a slight pain in my upper back and winced at the growing wings.

"You did it!" Jackie squealed "and on your first try too! It took me over an hour to get it right! And look at the way they sparkle in the light! Ohh, they're so pretty... Oh right food! I'll grow my wings then we can go." She closed her eyes and...


"AH" She screeched at the sound of my stomach and fell flat on her back. I laughed and helped her up. "Jeez, Payton, learn to keep that thing quiet!"

"I'll do my best." I said, failing to keep a straight face. I watched Jackie's second attempt at growing her pink butterfly wings. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and I watched them sprout from her back. It was amazing and quite  disturbing, maybe I shouldn't be eating right after witnessing that.

"Alright," she says grinning from ear to ear, "Now all we do is jump out the window and"

"Wait WHAT?" I practically scream in her ear, "What do you mean we're jumping out the window?"

Jackie looked at me for a moment, then laughed a sweet, innocent, little girl laugh, "You have wings, Payton, you can fly."

"Ohhhhhh yeaahh, but how do I control my wings? They're no use if I can't use them."

Jackie continued to smile at my idiocy, she'll never quit finding me amusing will she? "It's the same principle as making them appear. All you do is imagine them flapping like this..."

She demonstrates the motion of the wings by flapping her arms at her sides.

"Okay I think I get it, I just jump out the window and imagine my wings carrying me." I say and she nods.

"I'll go first, then you follow me to the mess hall, got it?" she says, opening the window.

"Got it." I respond getting ready to follow Jackie.

I watch her leap out the window, she falls a few feet, and I stick my head outside so I can see her. She flys up a few feet away from the window. "Come on! The Mess Hall's this way!" She yells happily.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I quickly open my eyes and hop out the window, picturing myself flying behind Jackie.

"That's it! You're doing it!" She giggles with excitement as we soar through the sky. I look down and see a beautifully lush garden with an extravagant fountain and a statue of a girl with wings standing upright with her arms crossed, looking important, like she has power.She even has my rainbow eagle wings, even though the rest of her is grey. Funny. The girl looks almost exactly like me. Except her expression is stone cold and commanding, while I'm grinning from ear to ear.

Students are flying all around us, heading to class or the mess hall or wherever it is they need to be. I feel the wind blowing in my face and then I notice everyone watching us. Not us, not even me, but my wings. Everyone's staring at my wings, I guess they've never seen rainbow eagle wings before.

I watch the buildings pass below us as I notice Jackie descending. We must be nearing the mess hall. I lower myself until my feet touch the ground.

I look at Jackie's smiling little face and laugh. "I did it!" I giggle "I really flew!"

She chuckles and opens the door to the building behind her. "Here we are, the mess hall!"

"Ahhh" I sigh, "Food land."

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