Chapter 7

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Summary: Guns n Roses hires a new tour assistant, but nobody thought that Duff would fall for her.

In this chapter: Late night talks on the bus can sometimes be your best friend. The band goes to a Scottish pub, but what happens when you mix love with beer?

A/N: The only thing I can say after finishing this chapter is that I want Duff McKagan in my life! Enjoy... (new chapters every Wednesday) :)


"Where's my vodka?" Duff asked, searching inside the cabinets in the dressing room.

"Duff, don't you think you've had enough for a day?" Y/N asked, concerned, he had drank a bottle already.

"Relax, sweetheart, I'll be fine, I just want to ease my nerves...." He opened the last door, grinning widely. "Here it is!"

He placed the bottle on the top of the table, searching for a new plastic glass.

Y/N reached forward, grabbing the bottle just when Duff placed a glass beside it.

"Y/N, let go of the vodka, please." He looked into her eyes, his tone was serious but his eyes had a glimpse that she couldn't quite identify.

"No." She took the bottle away from the table.

"Y/N..." He prolonged her name. "You don't want me to go there and pick it, right?" He smirked, the glimpse in his eyes getting intensified, allowing her to identify it - mischief.

He started walking slowly towards her, while she started backing off.

"Y/N..." He said it again but she sprinted off the room, running through the corridors with him chasing her.

At some points he almost got her, but there was always someone passing by that could be used as an obstacle.

She grinned seeing the exit door at the end of the hallway. Pushing the door open, she met with bright sunshine. Looking back she couldn't see Duff, she started moving backward slowly, facing the door trying to see any sight of the blonde.

Y/N abruptly stopped when her back hit against something, or better, someone.

Turning around slowly she found Duff, he moved his arms and she closed her eyes by instinct, opening them when she felt him circling her waist and pulling her closer.

He pressed his lips against hers, in a sweet and slow kiss. Forgetting completely about the bottle, she reached behind his neck with her arms, dropping the bottle beside her and pulling him even closer.

The crackling sound made him smile in the kiss, before he slowly pulled away from her.

"You good?" He looked down to see if she hadn't cut herself.


A strong glow accompanied by a deafening crash woke Y/N. Looking out of the window she could see the rays covering the sky as heavy rain hit the road.

Great, we're under a storm. She thought to herself.

Hitting her head against the pillow, she grunted, running her hands over her face. Obviously it was a dream, Y/N.

She even tried to sleep, but she never liked storms, even when she was a child, they always made her scared and alert, two things that made it impossible for her to fall asleep.

Looking for her slippers on the floor, she got up, walking slowly to the common area of ​​the bus, rubbing the sleep from her eyes with both hands.

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 - 𝐷𝑢𝑓𝑓 𝑀𝑐𝐾𝑎𝑔𝑎𝑛Where stories live. Discover now