Chapter 3

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In this chapter: Erin's arrival on the tour turns the band upside down. Y/N hadn't realized how much she needed a friend until she had her to talk to. Y/N and Slash go to an arcade.

A/N: 1- I was struggling with this chapter, so sorry if it's shitty.

         2- I was thinking about making a playlist inspired by this fic, do you guys want it? If so, let me know!

       3- Also, reminding you that I'm posting a new chapter every Wednesday.


After Tom's departure Y/N couldn't avoid feeling a little lost, she'd grown used to him instructing her and she missed his participation at the silent book club. It wasn't a club though, just the two of them, sitting backstage reading without saying anything.

The only good part about Tom leaving was that she finally got his bunk. It felt weird during the first night, to sleep somewhere that wasn't the couch, but as soon as she fell asleep her body got used to it.

Duff was on the bunk on top of hers, as she was a light sleeper she would hear him mumbling some things while he was sleeping. He moved a lot also, which would usually wake her up, but she didn't really mind.

It had been a week since Tom left and the things with the boys were starting to get back to normal. Duff helped her get more along with them, inviting her to play cards with the boys one night and asking about her opinion in random conversations, just so she could participate.

The two of them had grown quite close during this week, he was a nice guy, she could tell that. He always asked her to join them wherever they were going and even helped her with some of her duties when he had some free time.

And that was quite the problem. She liked his company, he was easy to talk to, and when there wasn't a subject he would ask for her opinion on the books she was reading. He was a sweet boy. Too sweet to say the truth, and she was starting to want to be around him. But she shouldn't.

Duff was from a completely different world, the two of them were complete opposites and the only reason why he was spending time with her was because he had no one else to. She knew that as soon as the tour ended she wouldn't ever see him again, so she didn't want to become too close to him.

She and Steven were back to normal, he never acted like that again and Izzy, well, Izzy was a hard person to read, he had never been rude to her, but they didn't really talk. She didn't take that personally though, he didn't really talk to anyone.

Things with Axl remained the same, he hadn't talked to her for eight days and counting, sometimes, she would laugh at one of Duff's jokes and he would give her a death glare, but she tried to ignore.

Slash was another story. She talked to him, but just the necessary, she was still upset about what had happened during the party and expected him to apologize, but as the days passed, the less probable it got for him to do so.

In that morning, she woke up before the boys, and after doing her routine and checking up her agenda she realized that they would reach the next city around ten in the morning.

Talking to the bus driver, he informed her that they would stop for breakfast in thirty minutes, which allowed her to do her favorite part of the job.

Getting inside the bedroom area she turned on the lights while saying loud enough for all of them to hear.

"Good morning, princesses! It's 7 in the morning and we'll make a stop for breakfast in thirty, so move your asses out of the bed and get ready!"

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 - 𝐷𝑢𝑓𝑓 𝑀𝑐𝐾𝑎𝑔𝑎𝑛Where stories live. Discover now