Chapter 6

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Summary: Guns n Roses hires a new tour assistant, but nobody thought that Duff would fall for her.

In This Chapter: It's time for Duff to tell this story.

A/N: This chapter will be a Duff's pov. His thoughts will be in italics.


We stopped for a second, looking at each other.

Reaching forward, I put a lock of her hair behind her ear.

She's so beautiful! I wonder how her lips would taste like...

I licked my lips at the thought.

Control yourself, Duff! My conscience yelled at me.

"Y/N." Tom's voice broke the moment, making me roll my eyes internally. "Are you coming?" He pointed to the elevator.

What a good time to talk, Tom!

"Yeah, just a sec."

She looked back at me with a small smile. "Good night, Duff."

Fuck it!

I leaned down, kissing her cheek lightly. Her perfume filled my nostrils making it hard to move away from her. "Good night, Y/N." I finally breathed out, seeing her walk away.

God, I'm so fucked!

"God you're so slow" Axl passed by me, rolling his eyes.

"What do you mean?" I furred my eyebrows, following him.

"Ask her out already." Izzy said, entering the second elevator with us and pressing our floor's button.

"As if it was a simple thing!" I leaned against the mirror on the wall. "You remember how she reacted the last time one of you idiots decided to give a little push" I made fake quotation marks with my fingers.

"Let's just say it was the wrong way to do that." Izzy glared at Axl, who looked away from the mirror in which he was fixing his hair.

"What!? I was using the opportunity!"

"Yeah, and it worked so well..." Izzy said sarcastically.

"At least I tried! What did you do?"

"What did I do? I was the one who convinced her that he wasn't an asshole! Remember?" Izzy crossed his arms, leaning against the metal wall.

"Okay, take it easy. You're acting like a married couple!" I turned around, looking at myself in the mirror and throwing my jacket over my shoulders.

The doors opened and we started walking down the corridor.

"See you guys tomorrow." I said, listening to their responses before entering my room.

"Ah, shit!" Sitting at the edge of my bed, I ran my hands through my face.

Kicking off my boots and throwing the jacket on an armchair I laid in bed, gazing at the ceiling with just the city lights illuminating the place.

"How did I get myself to this point?" Lighting up a cigarette, I took a long drag.

I knew the answer. And the answer was that there wasn't an answer. It just happened.

I still remember the first time I saw her. She entered the dressing room in a light pink skirt and a white blouse. Her eyes were slightly widened, as if she needed them fully open to be able to understand what to do.

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 - 𝐷𝑢𝑓𝑓 𝑀𝑐𝐾𝑎𝑔𝑎𝑛Where stories live. Discover now