Chapter 20

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In a huge and luxurious chamber, a figure can be seen talking to herself.

"Ohmygod that was my first kiss! I couldn't believe I'm having it in an unexpected situation." She ramble while holding her lips.

She remember the way the cold lips stilled against hers. Li Wei Wei knew he is also surprise.

"But it is okay since he is my husband and also the person I like right?" Squealing around like the teen girl she is.

Her day went by with her inside the room. Li Wei Wei wouldn't go out. She didn't have the courage to face him. Few days passes by quickly.


It was the day the princess going back. She has no choice but to send her at the front door.

"Princess please come back again when you have time." She said with a fake smile. Failed to hide her sour expression.

The person besides only look at her amused by her words.

"Yes of course I will come back. My Xujin gege is here." Princess Zheng Er deliberately said it out loud.

The princess have seen how her Xujin gege care for the worthless girl. She couldn't denied her heart fell apart when she saw that.

But she is also glad that her Xujin gege has someone by his side to take care of him. So she can rest assured if she leave him.

"Princess the time has come. Let's go home. We need to get home before it's getting dark." An eunuch barged in and informed the princess.

Glancing at the manor one last time, she look at the men she admired the most.

"Xujin gege, please take care of yourself. I will miss you." She sadly said. Feng Xu jin only nodded at her.

When she finally left, the three of them stared at the palanquin disappearing from sight.

"Glad that she finally left. I'm a bit tired hearing her calling Xujin gege, Xujin gege." Zhao Li mocking her.

"But she is not that bad."

Even though Li Wei Wei don't really like her. But for her the princess is far from evil.

Princess Zheng Er didn't even do anything to her. It's just that she like her Xujin gege so much.

"Really? The other day you feel jealous because of her." Zhao Li tease her.

"Wh when? I didn't. You can ask Daku Sin. He is the one who has accompany me that day for whole..." Before she could continue to fight Zhao Li, she is being stopped by someone.

Feng Xujin's who has been listening to their conversations. They keep on ignoring him like he is a piece of dirt.

But when he heard Daku Sin's name came out from her mouth. He lose it.

Grabbing her waist possessively and he pulled her towards him, his lips smashed against hers, as if trying to declare her as his.

She was too shocked to react to his sudden action. She stood there unmoving. Eyes widen.

"Oh my virgin eyes! You all should keep it in your chamber." Zhao Li also didn't see this coming. But he quickly turn around after he saw his friend shameless action.

Hearing Zhao Li's voice, she quickly regained conscious. She tried to push Feng Xujin away but his hands prevent her from moving.

He feels like his well trained self control slowly slip away. His lips keep on punishing her passionately.

When he feels she is short of breath, he let her go. Seeing her flushing face, he thought in his mind.

'Mine only.'

"What are you doing?!" Li Wei Wei feel so embarrassed that she is mad. All the guard saw his action.

"Did what a husband should do to his wife." Feng Xujin replied casually.

"You.. you.." Pointing at him while the other hand covering her lips.

Li Wei Wei feel so frustrated as she couldn't express her words out. Then she quickly sprint without looking back at him.


First Prince Taking A Concubine

Today, Li Wei Wei and Feng Xujin is going to attend a ceremony of the First Prince of the country taking another concubine.

In the ancient era, it was normal to have a lot of wives. As a prince, they shoud held huge responsibilities.

Since the Chinese culture is patrilineal it was important for a couple to have a son. An heirless man could have additional wives to increase his chance of having a son.

Li Wei Wei personally don't like this culture. She is a normal girl who wouldn't want to share her husband with other girl.

But since she is stuck in the ancient world, she couldn't do anything if her husband want to take a concubine.

"I would get divorce rather than sharing my husband with others." Li Wei Wei mumble watching Zhao Mama fixing her hair for the event.

"What are you talking about madam?" Zhao Mama could see her madam face turn gloomy.

Li Wei Wei is wearing a light purple hanfu with some embroideries on it. On her head, a butterfly hairpin stuck on it.

"Nothing Mama." She sigh heavily.


Feng Xujin's carriage is too tall so Li Wei Wei struggle a bit trying to get on it. Before she could get on it, suddenly a pair of hand hold her waist steadily and place her on top.

She is currently looking down at the general. This is the first time someone actually look down on him. She immediately thank him.

"Jin Jin did you constantly go to the palace?" She randomly asked him.

"No. I only went for work." Feng Xujin replied looking at her.

Li Wei Wei then trying to snuck her head outside to see some bystanders. But her action was halted by a big hand.

"It is dangerous. Don't do that again." He is worried about her safety these days. Feng Xujin has offended lots.

"Emmm okay." Shen then look down fiddling her hands.

After a sullen of silence, he suddenly spoke up.

"You look beautiful today." He shortly said.

These day, Feng Xujin struggled to keep his self-control at bay. He felt the urge to kiss her seeing her cute face.

Before this, he did not expect that he will also like a woman like a normal people. Only she can make him feel so crazy.

After their first and second kiss, he is afraid of her reaction so he tries to be more considerate.

"Thank you. You look good too." Li Wei Wei blushed really hard.

All of a sudden, their carriage crashed a rock. Due to this, Li Wei Wei accidentally crash Feng Xujin.

"Sorry, I didn't mean that." Tapping her clothes she went to sit back on her seat.

But Feng Xujin suddenly get close to her. His face in front of her face. Too close.

Li Wei Wei's heart pounded in her chest as her knees got weaker. She froze thinking that he want to kiss her.

When his eyes met her, she quickly snapped out of her wits. Li Wei Wei covered her lips in an instant.

"Errrr we are in a carriage it is not proper if people saw." She nervously said.

A small chuckle can be heard inside the palanquin.

"I don't care even if they saw. You are my wife. And I was just trying to fix your hair a bit."

Li Wei Wei's face turn redder hearing that. She fanned her face trying to cool down along the way to the palace.

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