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Back to the Ancient Era

Everyone were starting to forget about their general's wife death except him. No one know that she is barely breathing with the help of acupuncture and medical treatment.

It was not his intention to let them thought that she is dead but it somehow spread out like that. So he just go with it as it will be better for them being oblivious. No harm will come.

After Li Wei Wei fainted that time, Feng Xujin asked the physician to check on her.

"She is barely holding on. It would be best if we let her go.." The physician keep his head the whole time. He know the general care for his wife so much. Feng Xujin was paralyzed to the spot, the menacing aura holding him in a tightening grip.

"No! Just do anything to save her." Feng Xujin sternly said.

He could no longer control his hands; they were shaking in an odd trembling rhythm. A feeling of dread crept up from the pit of his stomach. He is terrified.

"I.. I can only provide some medicine and acupuncture to keep her alive or keep her breathing. But madam would be lying there just like someone lifeless." The physician hesitantly said.

What he meant was paralysed. In the modern world she would be depending on the ventilator machine, but in the ancient world it will depends on ancient medical care.

"Anything. just do anything to keep her alive." Feng Xujin completely aware that he is being selfish. He believes that she will come back.

If he let go of her, he will surely lose his sane. But when he think about their son, he needed to get himself together.

Until today, he will accompany her every morning and night after he did his business. Feng Xujin had completely changed. He is becoming more cold and merciless.

Last time he went to a war, the rival were all killed. None left alive. Everyone could literally remember that day. He came back from the war with blood everywhere on his armour suit. It was terrifying. Feng Xujin might be alive but when someone look into his eyes, it was lifeless. He had lost his one and only light.

Even his son couldn't cheer him up. It's not that he doesn't love his own child. But he just couldn't get over the fact that his Li Wei Wei is in front him but it's like she is not more there.

His son sometimes stay at Li Wei Wei's mother manor. At first it was hard for her family to accept the truth. But eventually they started to take everything in as life must go on.

Minister Li and Madam Li volunteer to take care of Li Wei Wei's son with their best as they knew their son in law is not really in a very good condition.

Feng Xujin miss seeing those bright eyes, her smile, her clumsiness and every single thing that she did to make him laugh. Every time he feels like crying but tears won't come out. It's like there's no more tears left to cry.

On the inside, his soul feels like it is slowly being ripped apart from him. His heart broke into pieces every time he see his son. He didn't even had the chance to meet his mother.

"Xujin ah. She is no more in this world. Zhen hope you will move on." Even the emperor didn't know that Feng Xujin hide Li Wei Wei.

Feng Xujin just kept quiet and look blankly at His Majesty. All the official look at him at the corner of their eyes. Before this, they always thought that he is scary but after his wife death he became more terrifying.

Some would shit their pants when they look straight on his eyes. His aura is getting darker. Even His majesty is afraid Feng Xujin will do something beyond imaginable.

"If you agree, I will find a suitable new bride for..." Before the emperor could continue any further, Feng Xujin cut him off unyielding.

"I will take my leave first. Any further business, you can tell Zhao Li." He left without any permission. The emperor look worriedly at the harden back of Feng Xujin while he is leaving.

"Zhao Li." The Emperor suddenly called in for Zhao Li.

"I'm here Your Majesty." Zhao Li pay respect to the emperor.

"Look after Feng Xujin. Don't let him do anything stupid." The emperor is afraid that Feng Xujin will be going as far as killing himself.

"I will uphold your order Your Majesty." Zhao Li before leaving the palace. He is the one who has been accompanying Feng Xujin and obviously he knew every single pain that Feng Xujin went through. Li Wei Wei is the only person who could bring back the old Feng Xujin.

What will happen to the country if the great general is not capable in protecting the country? Few months back, Feng Xujin had requested to step down from his position but the emperor refused it as the country still do not have any suitable person to take Feng Xujin's place.


In the chamber that one get in except Feng Xujin and the physician. It was quiet and peaceful.

There lay a petite body with a man accompanying her on her right side. He is holding her right hand. Bringing her pale hand to his face. He wanted to feel her, but what was left on her hand was cold. Only cold hand. No more the warm hand that he always kiss.

"When are you going to wake up?" He asked while staring at her milky face.

"Don't you miss me? I miss you so much." That cold and hard eyes will always turn soft whenever his eyes cast on her.

"I need you. And our son need you." Everyday he whispers words to her but she got no reaction. But he never get tired.

"I'm so sorry if you're tired but I couldn't let you go." His eyes averting to the view in front of him. The windows were transparent so he could see everything outside.

"Can you please wake up and hold me?" Placing his head on her stomach he asked her to hold him like a small child. His voice is getting huskier. Eyes getting red.

"My heart is in pain. Indescribable pain. More than anything I could endure.." Unknown to him, a tears slipped from her eyes.

"I couldn't endure it anymore, I feel like I could break down and lose my mind any day. So will you please wake up and kiss my pain away?"

If it is possible, he want to find her in her world that she told him before. But he don't know how to get to her world.

His other hand clenched into fist. Eyes shut down in a forcing way. His head hurting thinking about their destiny. He cursed the god for doing this. But at the same time asked the god to bring back His Li Wei Wei.

A small movement suddenly occurred. It was her finger. Eyes fluttering wanted to see him. Adjusting the view in front of her, the first thing she felt was his head on her stomach.

Lifting her hand slowly, she wanted to touch his hair. Once her hand fell on his head, she feel him body getting tense. He hold her hand tightly, hoping for it to be real.

Lifting his head and turning to her direction, his eyes were eyes and glistening of tears can be seen. It was a miracle. She lift her hand and slowly stroking his cheek using her small thumb. He couldn't believe it. She is here. His one and only source of happiness is here.

"Jin Jin I'm here." Tears raced down her cheek as she said it with a weak smile.



Thank you so much for everything! I am very grateful y'all gave my book a chance.

Thank you for the endless love y'all have given to Li Wei Wei and Feng Xujin's character!

Also thank you so much for the 100K readers. Still couldn't believe it. You are the best!!😭


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