Chapter 21

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The Palace

They arrived at the palace on time. Walking down the palace hallway, she try to match his pace.

"Your Majesty, this general and my wife would like to congrats the royal family."

Feng Xujin bow his head to give respect to the emperor. While Li Wei Wei curtsy.

"Well well. Zhen feel very glad that the general is willing to attend. Li Wei Wei it has been a while. How are you young lady?" His Majesty question her.

"Your Majesty, I am good. Everyone treat me nicely." Startled by His Majesty sudden question, she quickly replied.

All of the guests exchange some news with each other. Then all of them take their own seats.

"General. Pardon me for not attending your marriage. Benwang is a bit busy." Liu He the First Prince casually spoke up. They have known each other since small.

"No problem Your Highness. Congratulations on taking another concubine." Feng Xujin replies offering a cup of tea.

"The lady beside you must be your wife. She is young." Liu Bao Third Prince the youngest one said.

Li Wei Wei knew him. She had read about all the prince in the novel while flipping through the pages.

Prince Liu Bao is one of the naughtiest character. But his plot is only shown a bit.

"You must be Prince Liu Bao right?" She asked wanting to tease him a bit.

"Yes. Benwang thought you rarely goes out so you don't know anyone." Prince Liu Bao feel curious about the lady who sits opposite him. She seems the same age of his.

"I might not know anyone else. But I won't forget about you. You are one of the cutest character."

Li Wei Wei accidentally blurted out again. Covering her mouth, Feng Xujin who look at her oddly.

"Really? Maybe we could be friend. Benwang don't have much friends." Prince Liu Bao blushed so hard after hearing Li Wei Wei's words.

Li Wei Wei only smile awkwardly at Prince Liu Bao.

"General your wife is indeed amusing and cute. Benwang envy you." Liu Qi, Second Prince suddenly spoke up while sipping his tea.

Liu Qi's vibe is quite different from his brothers. He is quite similar to Feng Xujin.

"But benwang think one wife is not enough. And you are the great general. You should have children by now." Liu Qi is indicating that Feng Xujin need to take concubines.

Hearing this, Li Wei Wei's face turn cloudy. She had predicted it will come but not too soon.

"Thank you for Your Highness's kind thoughts. But one wife is enough for me." Feng Xujin's replied in a flat tone.

After she heard what Feng Xujin's said, her heart fluttered. She couldn't believe in this ancient era there's a man like him.

"Is it because Li Wei Wei didn't give you permission? Is it like that Li Wei Wei?" Liu He the First Prince all of a sudden cut in.

Startled by His Highness sudden question, she looked straight at him.

"Errr of course not Your Highness. I am completely understand if general want to take a concubine." Li Wei Wei said in a bitter tone.

The heated atmosphere suddenly changed after the arrival of the foreign prince.

Walking inside in glorious, he look so different. A blue robes fits him perfectly. It was Daku Sin.

"Your Majesty. This prince greeted you. Royal father send his regards for you." Daku Sin is actually coming for his father's sake. He has refused but his father insisted.

"How is your father? It has been a while since we met" His Majesty and Daku Sin's father can be considered as friends.

"Royal Father is fine Your Majesty. And I also would like to congrats Liu He." Daku Sin greet the First Prince.

He then proceeds to take a seats. But his eyes quickly catch a very familiar face.

"Li Wei Wei you are here also. We haven't met for a long time." Daku Sin went straight at her ignoring the huge man besides her.

"Sin. You look very different today." She chuckled at him.

Feng Xujin look at the way she smiles at Daku Sin. He feel jealous.

"Li Wei Wei you also knew Daku Sin?" Prince Liu Bao asked.

"Yes. We met at the market." Li Wei Wei said without any hesitation.

Daku Sin then took a seat beside Li Wei Wei. The first prince's concubine then come in to greet everyone.

"Sin why didn't you tell me you are a prince?" She whispered at him.

Li Wei Wei has no idea Daku Sin is a prince. She only know about his story with Jiang Liyao.

"You didn't ask me."

"Then I should address you as Your Highness right? I'm sorry for my imprudent act before this."

"No. Treat me like usual. I don't want you to treat me like others." Daku Sin is willing to let go his title to be with her.

"Okay then. But I have one question. Will you also have a lot of wife just like all this prince?" She whispered quietly.

"Of course no. I will be faithful to one only." He look at her intently and meaningfully.

"Good. All of them should take you as an example. It is unfair to ladies." She sighed.

A hand suddenly grab her waist and pulled her closely to him. He didn't know Daku Sin is going to come.

"Jin Jin let me go? Everyone is looking." Li Wei Wei said in a small voice.

"I don't care. And you better sit near to me."

"Are you jealous?" Li Wei Wei only want to tease him a bit.

"Yes I am." She wasn't expecting this answer. Li Wei Wei unconsciously gulped her own saliva.

"Will you take any concubine?" She really want to know if he meant everything that he said.

"Why?" He said looking at her.

"Nothing. If you really want to take any concubine probably in the future, please promise me you will let me go." Li Wei Wei carefully said.

"I will never let you go. You will always be my wife." Feng Xujin said sternly. He didn't expect she would say something like that.

"I'm just asking don't be mad." She mumbled at him.


Jiang Liyao who sits a bit far from them feel so jealous because Li Wei Wei has the chance talking to all the men. It should be her.

"Your Majesty since this is a good day. Why don't we play some game?"

Her voice capture all the attention. Looking forward to what she's going to said.

"Permission given." His Majesty replied.

"How about all of us take part in archery? Whoever won, they will get a prize." Jiang Liyao said loudly.

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