Chapter 18

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While walking to their private pavilion, Li Wei Wei keep on struggling. Her small hands hit his back several times but he just ignored her.

"Put me down! Put me down you hulk!" She yelled loudly. The shadow guards watch them from hiding place.
They internally thought what hulk is.

Arriving at their chamber, he delicately put her on her feet. She finally stop struggling but her mouth couldn't stop.

"How much have you drank? You drank so much that you became so drunk" He asked her calmly.

"Three cups only. And hello I am completely sober." Li Wei Wei said while stumbling.

"You do realize you are my wife right? Then act like one. You shouldn't drink with other men." He is mad.

"You... you eat with other women, I don't mind. And for your information Daku Sin is my friend, nothing more." She tried to explain.

Her head feel so dizzy that she was about to fall but Feng Xujin grasp her tightly before she can kiss the ground.

"Let me go! You always make me feels like you care for me. But all of a sudden you pushed me aside. Why?! Why did you do that to me? I'm confused and I'm tired!" She suddenly cried out when he hold her waist.

Feng Xujin turn her around only to find her face has been stained by tears. Her gut-wrenching sobs tore his heart apart.

Before he could say something, she cut him off.

"I've had it enough. If you really want the princess then let me go. I will just go back to my real world."

Li Wei Wei added tiredly with flood of tears gushed down her ashen cheeks.

"You are not leaving me. Never." He said sternly with a rigid face.

"It hurts. It hurts so much. If you don't want me, then don't give me any hope....." Li Wei Wei said with hands on her heart. She is positive that she has fallen for him.

A tightening of her throat and a short intake of breath. She unexpectedly fainted. He quickly catch the petite body and brought her to the bed.

"Wei Wei. Wei Wei wake up. Someone call the physician right now!" His roaring voice startled everyone. They quickly run towards the private pavilion.

Zhao Li quickly barged in a rush. When he saw the fainted body in Feng Xujin's arms, he asked anxiously.

"What happen? Feng Xujin what happen?! Did you hit her?" This is the first time he call his best friend in his full name.

He is well aware of Feng Xujin's short-tempered. Zhao Li is afraid Feng Xujin couldn't control his temper and release it on her.

"She suddenly fainted. And No. I will never hit her."

Feng Xujin couldn't believe Zhao Li will regard him as someone who hit woman.

But he couldn't care less about Zhao Li. Feng Xujin try to shake Li Wei Wei but she remain unconscious.

"Master the physician is here." The guard arrived with the physician.

"General Feng. I am Physician Mo. Please let me check your wife first." The physician proceed to check her pulse.

"There's nothing wrong with your wife. She is just a little stress. Emotional stress such as a heated argument or significant crying that causes hyperventilation can also make a person faint. I will leave a prescription for her. General can rest assured."

The physician bow a bit at the general before he left.

All of them started to dispersed once they are sure Li Wei Wei is okay. But one person who came there just to see her Xujin gege.

But she did not expect that he would be so worried about the girl. Princess Zheng Er feel very disappointed. She then go back to her chamber.

Back to Li Wei Wei and Feng Xujin

"Zhao Mama quickly boil the medicine's ingredient following the prescription. And bring it to me."

He instructed Zhao Mama who brought him a bowl of water with unused cloth. Feng Xujin carefully wipe her extremely sweating face.

With no one in the room. He suddenly said something that no one has ever heard from him.

"I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry. Please wake up." Feng Xujin is sincerely felt sorry. He didn't realize his action will hurt her deeply.

He stayed up all night while wiping her sweat and fed her the bitter boiled medicine.

Feng Xujin deeply regret his own action. He has been living alone since he was a child. So he has no idea on how to treat people decently.

"I promise you. I will make amends for my behavior." He whispered slowly.

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