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He released Zayn's hand and pulled his phone from his pocket.

It was a FaceTime call from Louis.

Louis: "hazza!"

Harry: "hey Lou what's up?"

Louis: "Come to the club with me tonight"

He was already slurring his words, and Harry knew, although it was extremely early in the morning, he'd been drinking.

Harry: "how much have you been drinking?"

Louis: "enough to make me horny as fuck"

Zayn's eyes opened wide, he didn't know Louis was still this flirty when it came to Harry, and after how much he'd just confessed, he didn't know if he liked it either.

Harry: "just play with yourself okay? like last time?"

Zayn was getting even more confused, and upset by the looks of things, but he did everything in him to not make his presence known.

Louis: "but it never feels as good as your mouth hazza, come on, just one night"

Harry: "Lou, you're so drunk, just please yourself and take a nap, it'll all feel better when you wake up"

Harry wasn't phased at all, because he knew how to deal with Louis when he was drunk off his ass and still in love with him.

Louis: "fine, if you don't want all this...I'll find someone who does"

Harry chuckled when Louis hung up but immediately let his laughter subside when he realized how annoyed Zayn looked.

Harry: "that's he gets when he drinks"

Zayn: "he tells you to give him a blow...and tells you he's horny as fuck?"

Harry: "he forgets that I've moved on when he gets fucked up, so I just let him go"

Zayn: "oh"

Harry: "I never give in, believe me"

Zayn: "I do Harry, I believe you."

Harry: "then how come you still seem mad?"

Zayn: "maybe because I just confessed all my fucking feelings, ones I've been so damn afraid of for years, to you...and you answer that call and laugh it off like it's nothing!"

Harry: "what else was I supposed to do zayn?!"

Zayn: "tell him that you don't love him, that you don't want him in that way haz...don't just let him go!"

Harry: "the thing is, he doesn't remember once his hangover is gone. so it doesn't matter, it won't matter when he wakes up."

Zayn: "it's whatever, maybe you should go to the club anyway"

Harry: "you're seriously mad Z?! we're not even a thing yet, you said so yourself..."

Zayn: "I know what I said Harry, but that doesn't change the fact that I want you."

Harry wasn't sure what to say after that. Today had been a day full of opening up, but that took it to a whole new level.

Harry: "I uh...I didn't know you felt that strongly"

Zayn: "of course I fucking do, I'm just scared."

Harry: "you don't have to be, and I'm not going to the club, fuck that...I'm staying here, with you."

Zayn: "you don't have to, just because I got a little jealous"

Harry: "but I want to, as long as that's okay?"

Zayn: "of course, my beds plenty big enough...unless you want the guest room"

Harry: "I'll think about it"

He winked, making zayn smile, and letting his anger dwindle a bit once he realized that Harry was just as interested and wanted him just as much.

The food had finally arrived about 15 minutes later and they enjoyed dinner just talking about their plans for how to communicate with the boys, and their parents.

Harry: "you know my mum loves you, so she'll accept it in a heart beat"

Zayn: "my mum will as well, I'm just a bit worried about my dad"

Harry: "he's really religious isn't he?"

Zayn: "that's an understatement"

Harry: "how often do you guys speak, if you don't mind me asking?"

Zayn: "no, it's not much of a sore topic anymore, we haven't spoke in a few months, but the longest we've gone was about a year."

Harry: "damn I'm really sorry"

Zayn: "it was for the best, when my dad left, he caused my mom so much fucking grief you know?"

Harry: "same with my parents, granted I was only 7, but...I feel it"

Zayn: "it sucked when our family fell apart, but it's better now than it ever was before"

Harry: "I'm glad you see it that way Z"

Zayn: "there's nothing to be upset about, especially if we're all happy right?"

Harry smiled as Zayn's hand caressed his own.

Harry: "right"

Once they'd finished eating, Harry decided to shower, not bothering to ask but doing so anyway because he was always so comfortable around Zayn.

Harry: "I don't have clothes Z"

Zayn: "just grab some from my room"

Harry: "thanks"

Zayn smiled, looking Harry up and down as he pranced up the stairs looking hot as fuck.

Once he'd finished cleaning up he made his way upstairs to prep for his shower when he heard Harry singing one of their songs in the bathroom.

Harry: "I'm half a heart without you..."

Zayn found himself standing with his ear pressed to the door, but once he heard the water shift off he moved as far across the room as he could in order to not look suspicious.

When Harry came out with just a towel wrapped around his waist and the beads of warm water glistening across his butterfly tattoo, zayn couldn't tear his eyes away; and he didn't bother hiding it either.

Zayn: "shit"

Harry: "sorry, I just didn't grab any boxers and I normally don't sleep with pants on"

Zayn: "no, it's"

Harry blushed, now feeling a boost of pride when zayn looked at him the way he did.

Harry: "take a picture it lasts longer"

Zayn smiled, finally able to tear his eyes away.

Zayn: "I might just have to"

Harry smiled as he caught a glimpse of zayn escaping off to the bathroom to shower himself, hoping he came out with a naked torso as well.

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