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Zayn went to comfort Harry and pull him into his side but, Harry pushed his hand away. He felt like Zayn wasn't even on his side, and it hurt him.

Zayn scoffed and got up.

Zayn: "fine, if you wanna be a dick be a dick. When you're ready to talk I'll be here."

He hopped up into his bunk and aggressively shut the curtain. It was hard for him to fall asleep when all he heard was Harry's crying from right below him.

Below, Harry couldn't quit. He tried taking deep breaths, burying his head in his pillow, but it never worked. He wanted to be held, but he didn't want Zayn to think he forgave him. He just wondered how he was able to go through with such a shit idea so easily.

His head was overflowing with these terrible thoughts and questions.

"What would happen if I did go on the date?"

"Would I blow up if I saw Perrie touching him?"

"Could I see him at that club and not wanna be all over him?"

"How can i focus on Taylor if he's there?!"

All of these questions made him sick. He didn't wanna do it, he wanted nothing to do with the date and all of these questions he had no answers for brought that on. It was a no, he couldn't go.

Zayn kept flip flopping around, unable to sleep knowing Harry was pissed at him. He tried, but all he heard was him crying and he kept wondering why he hadn't hopped down to hold him yet, but he knew he didn't want him there right now.

Just then he heard footsteps from below him and someone's curtain slide open.

Niall: "Harry, you alright mate?"

Harry: "yeah...sorry if I woke you"

Niall: "no lad, you're fine, wanna come have a chat?"

Harry: "it's nearly 2, you're gonna be tired"

Niall: "this is more important haz, come on"

He heard Harry sniffle and climb out of bed quietly, and Zayn did everything he could to not follow them. He knew Niall would help him, but it sucked that it wasn't him doing the fixing this time.

Niall and Harry sat opposite each other in the lounge, and Harry wiped the remaining tears he had left.

Niall: "tell me what's bothering you"

Harry: "I'm just stressed out I guess...I've been bottling up how I feel because I sound like a pussy when I tell people. When this date got brought up, it just all came out."

Niall: "If you don't mind me asking, what bothers you so much about the date lad?"

Harry: "I understand that this is for publicity, but it still sucks ass seeing him all over the news and shit with her. I just don't say anything because I know how he feels, but now they want us to go to a club together...but not together.

Niall: "you don't think you can stomach it for a few hours?"

Harry: "oh I'm sure I could, but I'm gonna look miserable as fuck...and then Paul will just chew at my ass again."

Niall: "I get it haz, honestly, but why wasn't zayn with you when I came out?"

Harry: "because I pushed him away."

Niall: "Harry..."

Harry: "he took Paul's side, he never does that. He's always on my side. I dunno how he's able to go through with this shit idea so easily?!"

Niall: "because he knows that at the end of the day, it's you he wants to be with, and once you guys get back you're all his."

Harry: "how do you know that?"

Niall: "he rants to me just as much as you do haz"

Harry: "I love him Ni...I do. I finally came to terms with that today when he kissed me. It felt different, and seeing someone I love grind up on another person, publicity or not, fucks me up."

Niall: "you love him?"

Harry: "yeah...I think so."

Niall: "I'm so fucking happy for you."

Harry: "I'm happy too. That I have him. But I wish I was able to be with him in the open like she is."

Niall: "but don't let that define you guys, I know for a fact that Z would take you out and show you off every damn day if he could."

Harry: "yeah I know"

Niall: "he's been tossing and turning all night, I heard him awake when I came to get you."

Harry: "he's probably asleep now"

Niall: "I highly doubt it, why don't you go get him?"

Harry: "he won't hold me"

Niall: "how come?"

Harry: "he's on Paul's side remember?"

Niall: "haz, do you remember what he said to you back in that dressing room earlier?"

Harry cocked his head in a curious way, not knowing what he was referring to.

Niall: "when he said that he'd never deny you of anything you wanted because of this fucked up management. He'd always kiss you back, and hold you back."

Harry: "you heard that?"

Niall: "I wasn't trying to snoop, but yeah"

Harry: "...I remember yeah"

Niall: "I guarantee, if you go ask him to hold you, he will."

Harry nodded and pulled Niall up from where he was sitting.

They embraced in a hug, Niall was his best friend and he had no idea what he'd do without him.

Harry: "you're the best mate"

Niall: "I'm always here, night haz"

Harry watched Niall climb back into bed, and Harry stood on his, propping himself up so he was eye level with Zayn's bunk.

He didn't open the curtain at first, just listened to see if he could hear his small snores.

Harry: "z?"

Zayn: "hmm?"

Harry: "I'm sorry"

Zayn: "it's fine babe"

Harry: "can you...can you come hold me now?"

Zayn: "mhm, I'll be right down."

Harry's heart fluttered at his raspy voice as he jumped down and slid into his bunk, he laid on his back until he felt Zayn's warm presence slide in beside him.

He immediately sunk into his embrace and closed his eyes.

Harry: "I'm really sorry I blew up at you..."

Zayn: "I'm sorry I took Paul's side baby, I get why you don't wanna go."

Harry: "I'll go"

Zayn: "you don't have to"

Harry: "we can talk about it more in the morning, for now can you just hold me?"

Zayn kissed the top of Harry's head lightly as he sunk farther into the crook of his neck.

Zayn: "I'm not going anywhere"

Harry: "night Z"

Zayn: "goodnight babe"

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