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Paul checked backstage, the dressing room, outside, the audience, the meet and greet room, and he was just about to head back to the stage when he heard faint sobs coming from the bathroom.

Paul: "Harry? Is that you?"

Harry sniffled, trying his best to sound okay in a matter of seconds.

Harry: "uh yeah, I was uh...just going to the bathroom. Something I ate wasn't good this morning"

He chuckled in a fake way, but Paul wasn't buying it.

Paul: "whats the matter mate?"

Harry: "nothing, give me two seconds I'll be out"

Paul: "be on stage in 5 minutes please"

Harry: "be there in two"

Paul: "you sure you're good?"

Harry: "positive"

He wasn't. Far from it actually. He felt more on the negative side of the spectrum than anything but, he had to pull it together for the fans and the show later. They didn't care how he felt, they cared about the music that they paid to see, and he needed to realize that that's what's more important right now.

He wiped his eyes, throwing some water on them to decrease the puffy underside, but his cheeks and eyes still remained a solid shade of pink.

He gave up, not caring anymore if they saw him looking upset because he wasn't one to hide how he felt anyway.

He didn't necessarily wanna look hurt, but he was, and if it came across that way then so be it.

He rushed back off to the stage and grabbed his mic, running up the stairs and meeting the rest of his band mates.

He kept his head down, not wanting them to see just how down he was but, he was forced to look up when Julian called for him.

Julian: "Harry I need to hear your part of Little Things"

His eyes met Julians and he knew everyone else was looking at him.

Harry: "sure, mind if I sit?"

Julian: "if that's what's best"

Harry nodded and sat down, resting his elbows on his knees while he waited for the track to play his part.

When he sang it sounded stuffy and his voice cracked.

Julian: "you alright man?"

Harry: "yeah yeah, just need to warm up I guess"

Julian nodded, focusing on the other boys to take some of the attention off of Harry, noticing that he wasn't as good as he claimed to be.

Once Paul and Julian took their attention off of him, Harry sighed with relief, but he sucked it all back in when met Zayn's eyes.

He looked worried as hell, and Harry felt terrible.

From across the set Zayn wanted to do everything he could to find out what happened, so he mouthed his words, wanting to communicate so badly.

Zayn: "tell me what's wrong"

Harry: "nothing, I'm find babe"

Zayn cocked his head knowingly and raised his eyebrows, letting Harry know that he wasn't playing around.

Zayn: "don't fucking lie to me"

Harry: "we can talk later"

Zayn: "no, I need to know you're okay"

Harry: "I am, I promise"

Zayn sighed, he was worried. What made him cry in a matter of 15 minutes. He had just talked to him seconds before, and his sadness made him question if he'd said something wrong.

After soundcheck Zayn met up with Paul in the hallway, and asked him to hang back for a second.

Paul: "what's up son?"

Zayn: "I have a huge favor to ask"

Paul: "and?"

Zayn: "I need to talk to haz about what happened, it'll be quick"

Paul: "in the dressing room, no leaving, you have 10 minutes yeah?"

Zayn: "thank you so much mate"

Zayn sped off to the dressing room and saw Harry looking different than his normal demeanor. He was normally bubbly and a ball of energy, but he was bringing the whole room down with him.

Zayn walked confidently up to him and grabbed his hand, pulling him off to the corner of the room.

Harry: "Paul's gonna freak"

Zayn: "no, I just asked him if we could talk in the hall"

Harry: "oh..."

Zayn: "baby you're worrying me, tell me what's up"

Harry: "I just had a little melt down Z, I'm just tired"

Zayn: "Harry you're not a crier, you never do this. I feel like I said something wrong earlier, and it's killing me."

Harry: "no Z, you said everything I could've wanted you to, I just hate that you had to."

Zayn: "what do you mean?"

Harry: "I hate that you had to say that stuff. If they weren't keeping us apart, you wouldn't have had to kiss me goodbye for the day or any of that shit. It sucks and it upsets me, that's all."

Zayn: "I'm right here babe, I'm not going anywhere."

Harry: "I know, but it's different when all I can do is look at you from across the room. I wanna be able to look at you, then walk up to you and kiss you whenever the fuck I want."

Zayn: "so fucking do it! you know I won't care harry, I'll kiss you back twice as fucking hard."

Harry: "but everyone will flip on us"

Zayn: "and so what? If you feel the need to come kiss me, I'm not gonna back away. It's what you want, it's what you need, and I'm in no place to deny you of that shit you hear me?"

Harry: "...yeah yeah I do. I'm sorry I made you worry."

Zayn: "don't apologize, you have every right to be upset baby. I am too, believe me, I just like to hide how I feel, you know that."

Harry nodded

Harry: "when did I get so lucky?"

Zayn: "I ask myself the same question every day, now kiss me you fool"

The butterflies in Harry's stomach set flight as their lips connected. He loved the way they fit so perfectly together and he never wanted them to break apart.

Zayn: "stay strong today, you've got all of me tonight, you can be as clingy as you want, deal?"

Harry: "sounds like my kinda night"

Zayn giggled because he knew exactly how Harry was, and he smacked his bum as they walked back and joined the rest of the boys.

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