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Harry was upset when it went to voicemail. He didn't answer. He didn't think he'd be able to ignore one of his calls, but he did.

He threw his phone on the bed beside him and closed his eyes, hoping that maybe he could fall asleep again to satisfy his boredom.

Just as he felt himself start to fall back asleep his phone rang, causing him to jump.

His face lit up as soon as he saw Zayn's name flash across the screen and he picked it up immediately, probably coming across as desperate but not minding in the slightest.

Harry: "ignoring my calls now?"

Zayn: "I was figuring out a way to excuse myself from the dinner table actually"

Harry: "oh"

Zayn: "because someone has no patience whatsoever"

Harry: "I just miss you, come back already"

Zayn: "we're waiting on the check, I told Perrie I was using the loo so I gotta go soon"

Harry: "nooo baby come on"

Zayn: "haz I dunno what you want me to do, I gotta finish this date"

Harry: "fuck her, I want you...come home please"

Zayn: "you need to jerk off"

Harry: "come do it for me"

Zayn: "you didn't want me to earlier"

Harry: "I wasn't this horny"

Zayn giggled at how eager Harry was, knowing he was just sweet talking him. They were taking things slow, but they both liked to tease each other every so often.

Zayn: "jerk off so you stop whining"

Harry: "babe...please come back"

Zayn: "Harry I'll be back, I'm not gonna be gone forever"

Harry: "what time will you be back?"

Zayn: "god probably, in an hour at the latest yeah?"

Harry: "ugh fine"

Zayn: "you're cute when you pout"

Harry: "I'm mad"

Zayn: "I'm sure you are, why don't you go pout some more"

Harry: "stop I'm serious"

Zayn: "I know baby, I'm just messing around, I gotta go, I'll be back soon okay?"

Harry: "mhm"

Zayn: "don't be mad"

Harry: "I can't be mad at you."

Zayn smiled down at his phone as he rushed out of the bathroom to make it seem like he wasn't taking too long, and he knew Perrie suspected something, but she surprisingly decided to keep her trap shut.

Zayn paid for the bill and grabbed Perries hand unwillingly and led them out of the restaurant and to the SUV that was waiting for them.

Once they were inside Zayn ripped his hand away from perries and scooted to the far side of the car.

Perrie: "what crawled up your ass and died?"

Zayn: "it's been a rough day Perrie"

Perrie: "talk to me about it"

Zayn: "I hope you know that that's the last thing I wanna do right now"

Perrie: "jeez zayn, I'm trying to be civil"

Zayn: "making me propose to you for publicity when I'm clearly not interested is far from civil. There's better ways to handle this than you are."

Perrie: "I have to keep you from walking out of my life, I don't know what I'd do"

Zayn: "Perrie we can always be friends-

He looked away from the window and directed his eyes to her, making strong eye contact.

Zayn: -but I wanna move on. I found someone who means a whole lot to me, and they're struggling because you keep tying me down."

Perrie: "I don't wanna lose you"

Zayn: "you're not fucking losing me, we'll always be friends pez, but this is going too far"

Perrie: "shut the fuck up zayn, don't call me that, don't sweet talk your way out of the engagement, I dunno about you but I simply can't wait to see that huge rock on my finger."

Zayn rolled his eyes, not wanting to give her the time of day anymore. Trying to talk things through with her was a lost cause.

Once they'd gotten back to the hotel, Zayn found his way out of the car as fast as he could. He couldn't wait to get away from Perrie and back to Harry. His legs wouldn't move fast enough.

He waited for the elevator to bring him up to the 6th floor and he made his way to his own room, hoping Harry would be there.

He knocked a few times but there was no answer so he got out his key and slipped it in, walking into an empty feeling room.

Zayn: "haz?"

Zayn: "Harry I'm back"

He looked around, checking the bathroom, behind the curtain, but he wasn't anywhere.

So he pulled out his phone and called him.

Harry: "Zee?"

Zayn: "you must not have missed me that much"

Harry: "what?"

Zayn: "I'm back, where are you?"

Harry: "drinking with the boys"

Zayn: "thanks for the invite"

Harry: "quit, I didn't know when you'd be back and I needed to keep myself busy"

Zayn: "I kinda wanted it to just be us tonight"

Harry: "just a little bit longer, I don't want them to suspect anything"

Zayn: "who's room?"

Harry: "nialls"

Zayn: "want me to come down?"

Harry: "please, I miss you"

Zayn: "mkay baby, on my way"

Harry pushed the butterflies away as he made his way back to the boys and sat down on the couch with a smile.

Liam: "someone's all smiles now huh?"

Harry: "I'm just in a good mood"

Liam: "mhm...what'd Z tell you to make you blush?"

Harry: "oh my god you'll never give it a rest huh?"

Liam: "we all want you to be together, it's quite obvious the way you two look at each other"

Harry: "we're just friends, he just called to tell me he was back and coming down"

Liam: "fucking finally, he's probably in a pissy mood from his date anyway"

Harry: "he kinda deserves to be"

Niall: "especially after the interview today"

They all nodded as the door pushed open and Zayn walked in looking tired and annoyed.

Louis: "hey zayn"

Zayn: "what's up?"

Louis: "we're just hanging out, why don't you come sit and tell us how your date went"

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