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Zayn huffed and grabbed his things before making his way into the hotel along with the others.

Paul: "like promised-

he began passing out the keys to each of them.

Paul: -you each have your own room"

They all nodded, noticing that their rooms were right next to one another's anyway.

Paul: "bright and early tomorrow morning for a vocal treatment, no show tomorrow so be on your best behavior"

They nodded, used to his dad-like qualities by now, and found their way up to their rooms without running into too many fans along the way.

Harry's room was directly across the hall from Zayn's, and as he was putting his card in the slot to unlock his door, Zayn yanked him backwards.

Zayn: "what're you doing?"

Harry: "opening the door"

Zayn: "you're not staying in there"

Harry: "says who?"

Zayn: "me, I want you to stay with me"

Harry: "zayn..."

Zayn: "you don't want to?"

Harry: "I've wanted to spend time with you for 3 hours, but your talk with Louis lasted forever!"

He turned back to his door and opened it up, Zayn smirked at Harry's hint of jealousy but wouldn't let him walk into that room.

Zayn: "please babe"

Harry turned around and saw how sorry he looked.

Harry: "I'm just putting my stuff in here"

Zayn: "no! I want you, and all your stuff in here! Please..."

Harry: "god you're not gonna stop are you?"

Zayn: "no, cause I want you Harry, come on"

Just as Harry was about to give in, he heard the rest of the boys walking toward them.

Liam: "you two are so fucking loud"

Harry: "...sorry"

Louis: "it's probably zayn...he loves to argue"

Harry: "shut the fuck up Louis, leave him alone"

Niall: "we uh...just wanted to tell you guys goodnight"

Zayn: "night lads, see you tomorrow"

They nodded and found their way to their respective rooms, and once their doors were shut Zayn looked back at Harry.

Zayn: "baby I need you"

Harry: "why?"

Zayn: "because you mean the world to me...and I'm a little horny"

He looked down, his cheeks blushing in embarrassment.

Harry couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

Harry: "me too babe"

Zayn: "then come on, you know I want you to sleep with me, not alone in that bed..."

Harry smiled and gently picked up his stuff, brushing past Zayn who looked both needy and sexually frustrated.

Zayn flopped on the bed letting out a huge sigh of relief, sleeping in the small bunk of the bus wasn't the best for comfort.

Harry stood at the sink throwing water over his face, for all it's worth, it was 3 am.

Zayn: "come here"

Harry: "non-sexual dominance?"

Zayn: "take it or leave it"

Harry smirked and made his way over to Zayn, wasting no time straddling his waist and biting his lip as he felt how hard Zayn was already.

Zayn: "sorry, it was your butt"

Harry chuckled and kissed away Zayn's laugh, making him fall even harder.

Zayn: "no, don't stop"

Harry wanted to smile, but his lips were back on Zayn's in an instant, the kisses desperate and hungry, but also full of passion.

He broke his lips away, trailing his kisses down Zayn's neck as Z whispered dirty things in his ear, knowing just how much that turned him on.

Zayn: "grind on me baby...shit"

Zayn: "you feel so good on top of me"

Zayn: "fuck baby...mmm, don't stop"

Harry's length strained against his boxers as he pulled away from Zayn and slid down his legs.

Harry: "shirt off"

Zayn found his dominant side so sexy when it came around, so he complied, ripping it off and throwing it across the room.

Harry teased along his waistband, earning a gasp of pleasure when he ran his finger right above Zayn's dick.

Zayn: "stop teasing"

Harry: "no, I wanna make this last"

Zayn shut up, he could've melted right then and there. The way that made him feel was more than any sex could ever.

So he grabbed Harry by the shirt, not caring about his boner for the time being, and leaned in to kiss him.

Zayn: "sorry...that was sweet"

He just smiled and pushed himself back down Zayn's legs, yanking at the waistband until he lifted his hips so Harry could pull down the fabric.

Harry: "shit babe"

Zayn: "it's all for you"

Harry: "can I touch?"

Zayn: "you respectful ass...yes of course"

Harry smiled and took Zayn's hard length in his hand, the sudden warmth was enough to make his toes curl.

He stroked zayn up and down multiple times, causing Zayn's eyes to roll back in pleasure.

Zayn: "fuck it's been so long..."

Harry smiled and thought to himself how special this moment really was for him. He was nervous he wasn't gonna be good enough, but he also saw how happy and in pleasure Zayn looked, and didn't wanna stop.

Zayn opened his eyes just as Harry was about to wrap his mouth around his throbbing length and grabbed his hair before he could.

Zayn: "look at me"

Harry did, loving the way his voice sounded so husky

Zayn: "you don't have to do this if you're not ready"

Harry: "I want to"

Zayn: "are you sure"

Harry: "yes babe, I just hope it's good enough"

Zayn: "it's you Harry, it's always good enough"

Harry: "but can you...nevermind..."

He focused his attention back on his duty but his hair was yanked again, causing him to moan and look back up toward Z.

Zayn: "no tell me"

Harry: "it's kinda embarrassing"

Zayn: "baby..."

Harry: "can you just talk to me...while I do turns me on"

Zayn smiled at the blush on Harry's cheeks and got butterflies as soon as his sentence finished.

Zayn: "I'm a pro at that, you know that"

He smiled and before Zayn was ready, licked his tip causing him to gasp at the sensation that he'd been missing for so long.

This was a night he wanted to last forever, that's for sure.

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