scene 8

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(Back at home)
(Sammy runs up to Joyce)
Joyce: Sammy! I've missed you. Oh, you must be starved. Let's get you something.
(There was a note on the fridge)
"Sammys been fed twice and walked. We've got him covered for the week. There's a meatloaf in the fridge, too.

Love, the book club gals"
(Joyce grabs her insulin from the fridge and takes a nap.. after she packs her things for the hospital. She looks at the baby pictures on the wall. She then goes into his room and looks at the mirror and sees John as a baby. She grabbed a couple pair of clothes for John including his Jordan's, and leaves to the hospital)

(At the hospital)
Jenny: hey mrs. J
Joyce: hey Jenny (hugs Jenny)
Jason: he's stable. No real changes.
Joyce: umm..I um, I brought ur Jordan's with me. (Talking to john)I know no ones allowed to touch them. But I just thought that maybe... I can't wait to see you (while holding his hand) shoot those baskets and run up and down the court again. You are my pride and joy, John. Do you hear ur mother? And I love you to the moon. And don't u forget it. (John squeezes Joyce's hand) John?
(Jenny gets up and walks up to Joyce while Jason just looks at Joyce)
Joyce: he just squeezed my hand!
Jason: what?
Jenny: really?
Jason: seriously?
Joyce: yes, absolutely. John, can I do it again? Can u squeeze my hand?
Jenny: um, ask him something.
Joyce: uh, okay. Um... John squeeze my hand if... Michael Jordan is the best player of all time. Show pastor Jason and Jenny a thing or two. (John doesn't move)
Jason: i don't know. LeBron is pretty amazing. I don't know, I don't think he can do it, mom.
Joyce: grab his other hand. Honey squeeze my hand for Jordan and Jason's for LeBron, okay, baby?
Jenny: come on, buddy, you got this.
Joyce: the best player of all time, son. Come on.
(John squeezes Joyce's hand)
Joyce: yeah!
Jason: I saw it!
Jenny: oh my! I saw that too!
Jason:um, John, who was it who got a record six NBA titles?
(John squeezes Joyce's hand)
Joyce: yeah! I feel u John
(Jenny laughing)
Jason: and who was it who hopped down to Miami for a second, crushing his fans to get that ring?
(Squeezes Jason's hand)
Jason: he can hear us! He squeezes my hand. Joyce! He squeezed my hand.
Jenny: okay move my turn.
(Jason moves)
Jenny: John, squeeze my hand if u like me better than chayla, Emma, and the two joshes.
Joyce: oh my.
Jenny: if not squeeze mrs. J's hand
(John squeezes Jenny's hand)
Jenny: I knew it! (Jenny gets up and starts dancing)
Joyce: oh my god. We have to tell the doctors.
Jason: oh hell yea!
(Joyce glares at him and Jenny gives him a confused look)
Jason: I'm sorry. I get pumped. I'm going!
dr. Garrett: it's doctor Garrett, John (he says while he is holding John's hand and Joyce is holding the other) your mom tells me that u can hear us. Is that true? (No movement from John)
Joyce: tell the doctor, John. Greatest player of all time. Squeeze my hand for Jordan, and the doctors for LeBron. Okay, baby?
doctor Garrett: it doesn't have to be a hard squeeze. Just let us know you're there, John.
Jason: who won those six NBA titles, buddy?
Joyce: my hand for Jordan. The doctors hand for LeBron. Okay baby?
Jenny: you got this, John.
(John doesn't move)
(Doctor Garrett squeezes John's hand)
Doctor Garrett: I just squeezed your hand, john. You wanna just squeeze mine right back? (John doesn't move)
Doctor Lulu: phantom or, uh, random muscle tics are normal.
Jenny: it wasn't random.
Joyce: no, he was answering us.
doctor Lulu: I know it can seem like that.

(Group of teens in the waiting room)
Joyce: hey girls
Chayla: hi mrs. J. (Hugging Joyce)
Joyce: thanks for coming.
Emma: hi (gives Joyce a hug)
Joyce: thanks for coming. Reiger, josh, get your butts over here and give me a hug.
(Josh give her a hug)
Joyce: listen I'm so glad u boys are okay.
(Reiger gives her a hug)
Reiger: I'm so sorry, mrs. Smith.
josh: it's our fault that John is in here.
(Brian puts up his finger)
Joyce: no. So what matters now is that you're here to support John. It's means the world to his dad and me. So thank you.
Chayla: we brought cards that, um... people made for John. (Handing Joyce the cards)
Joyce: wow. This is... it's really wonderful. Thank you. Could u hold these a sec? (Giving the cards to Brian) excuse me, boys.
Brian: thank you
Cindy: there's no words
Joyce: listen.
Cindy: I'm so sorry
Joyce: not another word. Cindy, it's not ur fault.
Cindy: sorry. (Walks away)
Reiger: why'd we go out there?
Jenny: I know that ur suffering with regret, but you've learned ur lesson. now stop bashing urself down. he's gonna survive I know it. he's John.
coach: hey. Hey, hey.
Joyce: hey, hey.
Coach: what I wouldn't give to bench that boy right now.
Emma: did u see the Facebook page that we made for John?
Joyce: no.
Emma: it's gone viral.
Joyce: wow! Oh, girls... this is so... oh this is so wonderful! Wow! Look at...these prayers and,
girl: I already did my homework!
women: we came to be supportive, honey,and there's nothing left for us to do here. So we need to not overstay our welcome.
Girl: I want to stay longer!
Women: we need to go. Okay?
the other women: girls, look, we need to be prepared for the fact,that John is probably not going to make it. Okay? I really don't think u wanna be here for that.
girl: mom!
Women: I know I don't!
Emma: mrs. J, are u okay?
Joyce: yeah. Can I have your attention? Just down that hall, do u know that John is fighting for his life? Okay? And so I'm this room, there is no negative talk of any kind! Nothing! Okay? Thank you. unreal.
Brian: you okay?
Joyce: far from it! The nerve of these people!
Brian: let's talk.
Joyce: what's up?
Brian: I'm worried about you. I know ur angry.
Joyce: yeah. Yeah, your right I am.
Brian: the people is that room are not ur enemy, even if they don't say exactly the right thing. Look, I support what you said out there. But the way you've spoken to some of the staff, I just...
Joyce: what Brian? Say it.
Brian: I need you to show them some.. kindness or decency.
Joyce: I'm fighting for my sons life!
Brian: we all are! Everybody is doing there best in an impossible situation.
Joyce: if it wasn't for me, our son wouldn't be alive right now!
Brian: wow, Joyce. You're my wife. I love you. But whatever happens, I don't want you to regret the way you acted here. In my heart of hearts, I know that you don't want that either. Grinding people into the ground isn't gonna save our son. I am begging you to remember who you are.If not for me, for John
(Brian walks away)

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