Scene six

202 4 0

Third person POV

(ambulance on there way to the hospital)
Paramedic: come on, John.

back at home
(Cindy calls which Joyce answers)
Joyce: Cindy! I've been expecting ur call.
Cindy: Joyce, there's been an accident. Uh, the boys were out playing on the ice and they fell through. So you need to get to the hospital right now. They have John there. All the boys are there.
(Joyce freaks out trying to get into her car and calls Brian)
Brian: hey, I'm just picking up that dimmer switch that you wanted.
Joyce: Brian! John was in an accident
Brian: Joyce
Joyce: the boys fell through the ice!
Brian: Joyce slow down
Joyce: I'm going to St.Joseph West hospital.
can you please meet me there?!
Brian: okay okay. I'll meet you there.
(Joyce almost crash into a car)
Joyce: Joyce, calm down. Calm down.

(In hospital)
dr. sutterer: what do we know?
emt1: fourteen year old male, unresponsive and pulse less. He was playing on the ice and fell through. Five hundred cc bolts given.
he's very cold to touch.
dr.sutterer: Keith, take over CPR compressions. let's bolus him, normal saline. Run the IV wide open. We use a weight of 80 pounds. Prepare to give epinephrine.
(Keith giving cpr)
doctor: epinephrine is in.
dr. Sutterer: hold compressions.
doctor: no pulse. Still cold.
dr. Sutterer: pupils are fixed and dilated. No response. resume compressions. Prepare to give epinephrine.
Nurse: epinephrine .38 milligrams.
other doctor: the temp is up to 88 degrees.
dr. Sutterer: how much longer till the next pulse check?
Nurse: thirty seconds

(Joyce in the car)
Joyce: (whispering)please, lord. Please, lord Jesus

(back at the hospital)
dr. Sutterer: check pulse at the next pulse check, if there is no pulse, we're gonna shock him. Gotta try something. Shock at a 150 joules.
doctor: preparing to shock.
Nurse: two minutes.
doctor: no pulse.
dr. Sutterer: everyone clear. Shocking.
(shocks him)
doctor: no pulse.
dr. Sutterer: what's the outside temperature?
nurse: low 50s.
dr. Sutterer: lake water can't be cold enough to have done his heart any good, or his brain for that matter.
nurse: temp is up to 90 degrees
dr. Sutterer: prepare to give epinephrine.
Doctor: epinephrine is in.
nurse: epinephrine, .38 milligrams.
dr. Sutterer: think Kent think. how much epi have we given?
nurse: eight doses, doctor.
dr. sutterer. Prepare to shock.
nurse: two minutes. no pulse.
dr. Sutterer: all right. everybody, clear. shocking
(Shock him)
doctor: no pulse.
doctor: temp is up to 95 degrees.
dr.sutterer: he's warm.
nurse: total time is 45 minutes, doctor.
doctor: dr. sutterer.
dr. sutterer: there's... theres uh...... there's nothing more we can do. We'll wait on his mother. Keith, keep going.
Keith: I'm not going anywhere boss.

Joyce: please, lord. Please, lord Jesus
(she was pullling up to the hospital)
Joyce: I'm here for John smith.
front desk: okay. you can have a seat right over there. We're just waiting for his parents to arrive.
Joyce: I am his mother
front desk: I'm sorry. just a moment.
doctor: she's here. Should I bring her down?
dr. sutterer: I'll go.
Cindy: Joyce, I'm here
Joyce: they won't let me see him! My John is in there and they will not let me see him! isnt that illegal?
Cindy: Joyce, we just need to be patient.
dr.sutterer: Joyce Smith?
Joyce: yes? I-I'm Joyce.
dr. Sutterer: hi. I'm doctor Kent sutterer. we're doing everything we can for your son, but John isn't responding.
Joyce: what does that mean?
dr. Sutterer:Let me take you to him.
(takes her to hospital room)
dr.sutterer: okay team.
(everyone except Keith who is still giving cpr, moves out of the way)
dr.sutterer: Keith.
(Keith stops)
dr:sutterer: Joyce we'll be right outside.
(everyone goes outside)
dr:sutterer:please, uh, take as long as you need to say goodbye.
Joyce: what
(she touches his feet )
(flashback to when he was a baby and she was touching his feet)
Joyce: I don't understand. I don't understand. Um..(crying) I don't understand. I don't understand. I don't, no. no, no, no. No! No! No, no no. God. Please, Jesus, please. Please, Jesus. My John. My John... Holy Spirit, I need you now. I need you now. Please, please, don't take my son. Please! Please! Please bring life back into John. Please! Please god! Please, please, please. Come breathe life into John. Please, god....please god. (Screaming) send you Holy Spirit to save my son! (Sobbing)
(the thingy beeps)
Doctor: we've got a pulse!
dr.sutterer: what?
Joyce: what?
doctor: we've got a pulse!(they all run into the room)
dr.sutterer: we've got a pulse! Trauma two.
Nurse: page respiratory and let them know we need a ventilator.
(Doctor checks for pulse)
dr.sutterer: you got a pulse?
doctor: yes.
Dr. Sutterer: prepare intubation.
nurse: I'll get the NG and be ready to insert it post intubation.

(in the waiting room)
Brian: Joyce? Where's John? Joyce.
(hugs Joyce)
Joyce: hi, oh, Brian.
Brian: how's John?
Joyce: well..
dr.sutterer: (walking into room) John's got a pulse, but it's weak. Now, we're doing everything we can to stabilize him, and we're airlifting him to Cardinal Glennon downtown right now. They've got the foremost expert in drowning, doctor Garrett. Now, in my opinion, he's John's only chance.

(Putting John in the helicopter)
Pilot: ATC, this is Cardinal Glennon 3-3-4 airlift wing.
Brian: I'll follow you there honey!
air dispatcher: go for CGCH.
Pilot: we're requesting a flight program now.
Air dispatcher: I have you coming in at pad two with escort and trauma support staff to assist.
(Joyce pauses before getting in helicopter)
pilot: ma'am are you able to fly?
Joyce: yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine.
Pilot: you're hyperventilating.
Joyce: I'm scared to death of heights.
pilot: I think it might be better if you traveled by car.
Joyce: no, I'm not gonna leave my son!
pilot: okay!
(they get in and take off)

(On pastor Jason's run)
(phone rings)
Jason: hey, babe! You'll be proud of me. I'm jogging off that-
(she interrupts)
Paula: John smith fell through a frozen lake!
Jason: wait, what?
Paula: yea, they're airlifting him to cardinal glennon.
Jason: okay, uhm, I'm on my way.

(Cardinal glennon)
doctor: you're John's mother, right?
Joyce: yes.
doctor: I need you to come with me, ma'am. Doctor Garrett will be the physician attending to John.
Joyce: okay
doctor: okay.... we'll come find you as soon as we get him situated.
Joyce: okay
doctor: you can have a seat right over there.
Jason: (talking to front desk) smith family. He was helicoptered in front st. Joseph. (sees Joyce)
uh, she's here now, so...
front desk lady: we'll let you know as soon as we hear something.
Jason: thank you.
Joyce: (to Jason) it's really not a good time right now.
Jason: yea, I know, Joyce. That's why I'm here.
Joyce: well, thanks for coming.
Jason: well I'm not leaving. Not now, anyway.
Joyce: excuse me?
Jason: look, Joyce. I know you might not be the biggest fan of how I preach, or my haircut. But I'm John's pastor. And I'm your pastor. I think that means that right now, we gotta set aside our differences. we gotta focus on John. Right?
(Brian walks in)
Joyce: Brian!( hugs him)
Brian: (to Jason) thank you, for coming.

(In hospital room)
nurse: yes, doctor. We've increased the drip rate.

(in another room lmao)
dr.Garrett: I'm doctor Garrett. I'm sorry to be meeting under these circumstances. Your son is alive, but his pulse is very, very weak. John's brain, like his organs, was deprived of oxygen for at least 20 minutes before CPR was administered. His injuries are catastrophic. Beyond rudimentary brain function... I've never seen a case like John's. The fact that he's made it this far...
Joyce: I'm sorry. "This far?"
Brian: doctor?
Dr.Garrett: if John ever regained consciousness... he'd be severely neurologically impaired. I'm sorry, mr. and mrs. Smith. But I don't believe John will survive the night. If you have family or friends that you want to call to come see John, now would be the time to do it.
Joyce: I've been told that you are the best doctor Garrett.
doctor Garrett: I'm an expert in my field, ma'am.
Joyce: no, you're the best. World renowned, in fact. Or was I misinformed?
doctor Garrett: no you were not.
Joyce: I know that you don't know my son, but my John is a fighter and he doesn't give up. So I need you to go and be the best for John. Nothing less. And you just let god do the rest.
doctor Garrett: okay.
Joyce: okay

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