the incident

218 5 0

Third person POV

The song colorful is playing
reiger: cool! Let's go!
(all running)
John: pass it
reiger: yea
(Josh sanders goes on the swings and John goes on the slide)
Rieger: that's for little kids!
John: pass!
(Rieger passes the ball to John)
Reiger: get on this thing (referring to the spinny thingy)
John: wait for me
Josh sanders: push me. Go! Go! Go!
Reiger: spin him, spin him
josh sanders: keep going! Go faster!okay okay, stop it. I'm dizzy! I'm dizzy! I'm dizzy!
John: hey guys. Let's check out the lake!
Josh: oh my god!
John: okay let's go!
Reiger: check this out (grabs a rock and throws it on the frozen lake to see if it would break or crack)
John: yea, we're good
Reiger: plenty thick
John: let's go.
(they run on the lake but josh sanders stays in place)
josh: I'm still dizzy
John: come on! Don't be a wuss!
Reiger: yea, come on!
John: let's play tag.
(josh stands kinda jumping on the ice to see if it would crack
John: tag him. Come on.
Reiger: hurry up!
(Josh starts running towards them)
(reiger tags josh)
Reiger: tag! your it!
John: let's go!
(They run and pretend to play hockey on the ice)
John: the puck is loose!
Reiger: come here! John's got it!
(John pretends to hit the invisible puck into the goal)
John: goal!!!

back at home Joyce looks at her watch to check the time cuz she is expecting a text from John.

back on the frozen lake
(John sets up his phone to take a picture they all kneel next to eachother)
John: okay say "eagles" three
all: two! one! Eagles!
The manager at the diner next to the lake, notices the boys playing on the lake
Josh: tag him! Tag him!
John: I'm on it.
Reiger: no!
John: oh, he's slipping! Get him!
Reiger: no!
josh: yeah!!
Reiger: yo no way! No way!
John: stay down. Yeah!
Reiger: whoa! It's slippery, guys. Watch out. We got you.
Manager: hey, boys! Get off the ice! Not safe!
John: we're training for the olympics, sir. Please don't be a dream killer.
Josh: maybe he's right
Reiger: have you heard a single crack?
Manager: guys? Now, or I'm calling the cops.
Reiger: yes, sir.we just need to catch our friend first.
(John and Reiger run after josh and Reiger tackles josh)
josh: what? No, hey!
John: get him!
Reiger: get back here.
(the manager shakes his head and goes back inside ready to call the cops)
Josh: no. Stop!
Reiger: oh my god!
John: pin him down. Pin him down.
(John's phone chimes)
josh: yo, easy! Come on!
(John gets up and reaches for him phone from his pocket)
Josh: hey! Hey! You got me, okay?
(The text was from Joyce saying "when am I picking you up?")
josh: yo stop!
(The ice cracks as he was typing. John fell through the ice. Both Josh's look over and then they both fall through)
(They all get back up to the surface gasping, coughing)
John: josh hold on!
josh: I can't! I can't hold on. My hands are too cold!
Reiger: I'm slipping. I'm slipping.
John: hold on Reiger
Josh: I can't get up
John: just breathe
(Reiger was holding on to a peice of ice while John was trying to help josh get on top of the ice)
John: here. I'll push you out!
(John takes Josh's foot and pushes him on top of the ice)
John: here. I got you! Hold on!
(As soon as josh gets up he kicks John in the face and John starts drowning)
Josh: John! Hey John! Grab my hand John!
Reiger: John!
josh: swim, come on!
Reiger: John! John!
josh: he went under, I can't see his face!
Reiger: help!
josh: Where'd he go?
Josh: swim! You can do it. John!
(John was trying his best his body was all numb because of how cold it was so he couldn't swim no matter how hard he tried, he then gets cut by many ice pieces)
Josh: please! Someone help! John!
Reiger: please, someone!

back in the diner
manager was dialing 911 and running back outside
Josh: help!
Operator: 911 what's your emergency?
Manager: three boys, they fell through the ice. You gotta send help right now!

at the fire station
Dispatcher (on PA): all available trucks, we have a growing event at lake saint louis. Call out locations please. Over.
(the fire alarm was going off)
tommy: move!
joe: let's go!
(In the fire truck)
tommy: truck 11, we're at the station seven minutes out.we're inbound with water rescue gear. Over.
(Sirens blaring, horns honking)

at lake
Police car approaches.
cop 1: where are they?
manager: just down there. Right over there! Thirty yards out.
cop 2: alright.

(Sirens blaring , horns honking)
dispatcher: east entrances thirty yards off shore. Local police have arrived on scene. One out, one in the water, one under the ice.
tommy: how long?
dispatcher: approximately five to seven minutes, according to witnesses.
tommy: copy. Tell chief we're two minutes out.

back on the lake
josh: help us!
(the police officers start walking but the ice cracks a bit)
cop 2: woah! She's breaking under me
cop 1: stay back! I'll go!
(Reiger shaking uncontrollably)
Cop 1: stay there! We're coming to get you!

(Fire truck passes the redhead short haired lady)

josh: please help us. Hurry!

(Short haired red head lady prays quietly)

Reiger: hurry! Please!
Josh: please help us!
Reiger: I can't hold on much longer.
Josh: he's under the water.
cop1: (to josh) let me get your friend. I'll get you next. Give me your hand! Give me ur hand!
(grabs Reigers hand and pulls him up)
Cop1: come on, I got ya.
Reiger: (shivering) thank you.
Cop 1: okay. Okay. Come on!
(Fire truck approaches and tommy and joe get out of the truck)
Tommy: let's get the pike pole, so we can drag the bottom
Emt1: we need more!
Emt2: how many do we need?
Joe: I know this area of the lake. Ten, maybe 12 feet deep.
Emt1: grab three!
Emt2: got it.
tommy: still got one under, chief?
chief: yeah. But dive and retrieval with tanks are inbound.
cop: the cracks widening.
joe: we've gotta get the other kid away from the edge.
Tommy: how's yours (to the cop referring to Reiger)
cop1: hypothermic, but still breathing.
cop2: the ice is giving way. Be careful!
tommy: how longs mine been under?
cop1: at least ten minutes by our count!
Josh: please save him. He's under the water
(John's shoes chilling on the surface of the water upside down)
Josh: he went under the water. Please! His name is John. Please save him
joe: it's okay. It's okay.
I want you to crawl over and grab this officers hand. We're going to do everything we can to find John.
cop: come on
Josh: please find him.
(tommy grabs the shoe and throws it)
tommy: easy getting in, joe. We don't wanna push him farther under. Let's work from back to front.
(Joes hands tommy the pike pole)
Joe: is the area widening, or is it just me?
tommy: it's getting bigger.
bottom contacts about ten feet. We gotta find this kid.
(the emts get out the little bed plack thingy)
emt1: ready.
(Tommy gives him a thumbs up)

(back at home)
Joyce checks her watch and wonders why she hasn't gotten a text by her son yet)

(back at the lake)
joe: what's the count?
tommy: fifteen minutes.
joe: it's gonna be a recovery not a rescue.
chief Mario: hey emt? Get ur backpack. I need another backpack.
voice that sounds like chief: go back!
Tommy: sounds like chief just said "go back."
joe: oh I missed it.
Tommy: what's he talking about?
Joe: I can't see past three feet. It's way to murky.
I don't wanna cut him.
tommy if he went under the ice back there, he's a goner. The outmost edge drops off to 25 feet or more.
tommy: come on, John. Be here.
(whispering) I got something
Joe: what is it? Is it him? Tommy? (Joe puts his things down) don't lose him, tommy. pull him up. Pull him up.
tommy: we got him!
Joe: I'm losing my grip.
Tommy: we got him!
(Pulling him out)
Tommy: crew, throw the line!
Paramedic: rope is out. Prepare for retrieval.
tommy: I got him. Pull!
joe: here we go
(They pull him on the bed thingy)
tommy: pull! Come on! Keep going!
Paramedic: he has no pulse.
Tommy: start compressions
joe: go! Go! Go!
paramedic: two, three, four five stop! (Lifts him to the side to let the water out)pull! Pull! One, two, three, four, five... nine ten eleven twelve
(They put the thingy in John's mouth and cut his shirt)
Emt1: ventilation tube
Paramedic: one, two.....

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