Scene seven

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(in the hospital)
Jason: it's been a real touch and go.
Melissa: can't tell us anything more?
Jason: here they are (referring to Joyce and Brian coming back into the waiting room)
Joyce: hey, Melissa.
Melissa: I'm so sorry, hon. (she said coming up to Joyce and hugging her)
Melissa's husband: we headed over the minute we heard the news.
Melissa: what are they saying about John?
Joyce: well, I'm not gonna say what the doctor just tried to tell me, because I refuse to accept it. Because John is gonna get through this.
Melissa: Joyce, I think you need to be honest with yourself about John's chances.
Joyce: I am being honest abt his chances. You know I'm gonna get back. They're only allowing two people in the room at a time. Brian? Brian let's go.
Brian: oh you and Jason go. I'll hang back.
Jason: are you sure?
Brian: yes, thank you.

(abbys house)
Abby: how are the boys?
her dad/ dr.sutterer: well, the two Josh's were released a few hours ago. They suffered some hypothermia, but they're gonna be fine.
Abby: and John?
her dad: John is in a very tough spot, honey. But he's got a pulse, which is a lot more than anyone thought possible.
Abby: mom said it was some kind of miracle.
her dad: yeah, yeah.. I still don't know quite how to put it into words. His mom, she was so emotional, she was praying and.... I still can't believe it. He just... he just came back to life.
Abby: so John's gonna be okay?
her mom: ur dads had a long day, honey.
Abby: I know but...what do I tell the kids in my class?
her dad: well, honey the truth is nobody knows for sure.
Abby: is there a chance John will be back to school this week?
her dad: no honey, he's gonna be at Cardinal Glennon until.... honey, I don't think John is gonn live much longer.
Abby: but you said he came back to life.
her dad: I know. For now, honey. Yeah, for now. But it's.. you know it's complicated.
(she runs back inside)

(fire station)
Chief: I got an update from the hospital. They um... they don't expect that boy to make it through the night.
Joe: that was something today, bud.
Tommy: Well, if chief hadn't asked us to double back, never would've found him in the first place.
Chief: say what?
tommy: if you hadn't yelled for us to go back. I thought you were nuts.
chief: I didn't yell at you I was knee- deep in trying to help those other boys not lose their fingers and toes.
Joe: I never heard it. You're the one who found him, tommy. I helped you fish him out, but... the rest was all you.
Tommy: I heard a voice say "go back" so who was it?
Chief: it wasn't me.
tommy: (laughs) you're messing with me, chief.
chief: no. I'm just sitting here listening to you try and sound humble, which really doesn't suit you.
(tommy gets up and leaves)

(hold on starts playing)
(abbys dad checks on her while she was sleeping,Emma was crying in bed)
dr. Sutterer: what I witnessed today was something quite remarkable. Some might even call it a miracle, which is why I'm writing. So that no matter what happens, we will remember what we witnessed today.
(chayla was texting Joyce her prayers)
Jenny's mom: Jenny I need to talk to u!
Jenny: yea mom
Jenny's mom: remember our talk early
Jenny: (smiling) yea abt how John got a pulse.
Jenny's mom: Jenny... nobody is expecting him... to make it through the night.
Jenny: what do you mean
Jenny's mom: I'm sorry hon, I know how much he meant to you
Jenny: what? he's gonna live.. I mean he has to, he's strong Ik him. he's a strong boy that doesn't give up!
Jenny's mom: I'm srry Jen
Jenny: your lying! you must be lying!
(Jenny runs to her room and takes the picture on her night stand and looks at it and cries)

(next day)
Joyce: my John made it through the night.
Jason: yeah, of coarse he did! he's a fighter. Oh I did some investigative research with Brian. Two creams, one sugar. (hands Joyce a coffee)
Joyce: thank you. And thank you for staying the night, Jason.
(Jason chuckles)
Joyce: what?
Jason: that's the first time you've ever called me Jason.
Joyce: I'm sorry. I've been awful to you.
Jason:no! come on. What are you talking abt? who doesn't love a typed, two page, single spaced, anonymous complaint letter about the worship band?
Joyce: the rapper was a bit much.
Jason: (laughs) okay.
Joyce: I grew up on the hymns. Wait, how's you know it was me?
Jason: I didn't. So..
(Both chuckle)
Jason: listen Joyce. The only reason I switched up the music at church is because I will do absolutely everything and anything, to get young people psyched to go to church. Kids like John, it's just... they need a little more cowbell, you know? yeah, I see your point.
Joyce: oh, Paula must hate me.
Jason: no. no, she thinks you're very... spirited.
Joyce: why don't you go home and see your family?
Jason: are you sure?
Joyce: yes, yes, of course.
doctor Garrett: good morning everyone.
Joyce: morning.
Jason: uh, call me if you need me for anything. I'll be back real soon
Joyce: thanks
doctor Garrett: uh, I just got the update from Wendy. I don't know how John made it through the night.(checks his heartbeat) but I'm glad I was wrong. I am worried about cerebral edema. Like the rest of John's body, his brains going to wanna swell. I'm gonna keep John in an induced coma, give his body a chance to reverse course. And we're gonna run a lot of tests today. Okay? It's imperative that we see some kind of real proof of brain activity in John.
Joyce: yeah.
doctor Garrett: at best, we have a long road ahead. And I'm not gonna lie to you. we're in uncharted territory.
(Joyce nods)

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