Chapter 22: Time to Think

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"Naruto" Normal Speeches
'Percy' Thought
"Katon" Jutsu/Technique/Demon Talking

Chapter 22: Time to Think

he sit on the lush green of grass, whenever his mind is occupied by something troubling, he always find the grass more comfortable than the chair

after his spats with his wife, he felt disappointed with himself for losing his cool like that, sure, eons has pass ever since that incident but he always take betrayal hard more than anyone

he cherish those who he consider as precious, to see that someone he love doesn't reciprocate his feeling hurt ..... it pains him

he sigh, their relationship had been in the dump for so long now, he be lying if he said he didn't love his wife

he did, he really, really love his wife, but that's the problem, it pains him because of he love her, seeing what she did back then

he took a sip, while in mindscape, it's impossible to drink physically but he could still taste the tea because he had drink tea before, the taste are practically from his own memory

and what a taste it was, it is brew specifically for him by tsunade, for a woman who are known to love alcohol, she know how to make tea like no other

there are other person that could make tea better than tsunade, that person is-

'Stop' He frown, great, whenever he try to think someone else beside his wife, it always revert back to her

he sigh, putting the cup back on the grass, he ignore the cup when it burst into a beautiful blue and gold flame and fade into nothing

he need to get the bottom of this and he know exactly who he can ask about this

Line Break

I almost want to make a frown but couldn't

naruto has been acting weird ever since that encounter with his wife, he has said something about want to be left alone for awhile

oh well, if naruto want some personal space from the real world, who am i to deny him

he is a god after all

but i never heard a word from him ever since, the silence is making me on edge, naruto always want to talk with me about something, i got use to it

"percy?" chiron voice snapped me out of my thought, i raise my head and notice the concerned look he giving me "are you alright percy, you seem to be ....  what the word ..... ah, out of it"

"  ..... just thinking about my mom, that's all" i couldn't tell him that a shinto god is inside my mind, since we were the first heroes to return alive to Half-Blood Hill since Luke, so of course everybody treated
us as if we'd won some reality-TV contest.

According to camp tradition, we wore laurel wreaths to a big feast prepared in our honor, then led a procession down to the bonfire, where we got to burn the burial
shrouds our cabins had made for us in our absence.

Annabeth's shroud was so beautiful—gray silk with embroidered owls—I told her it seemed a shame not to bury her in it. She punched me and told me to shut up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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