Chapter 10: Math Teacher Are EVIL

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Disclaimer: I don't Own Naruto or percy jackson
"Naruto" Normal Speeches
'Annabeth' Thought
"Katon" Jutsu/Technique/Demon Talking

Story Start

I groaned as i sat on my bed, packing my stuff into a sealing scroll as naruto instruct me how to do the sealing thingy

"Kids These day" I heard Naruto muttered sadly "Can't even appreciate sealing"

'Sorry?' I've chuckled nervously

"It's Fine" He Sighed as he gaze at the lake in my mind in thought

I've shrugged and grabbed the scroll and put it in my back pouch, i looked myself over a mirror and to be honest, I looked bad-ass

I was wearing a black wife beater(not that wife beater, the shirt with no sleeves) Under a black trench coat with blue lining on the side, the wife beater i wore show the outlines of my awesome abs and strong chest, I wore a black grayish jeans and tactical black boots, a kunai pouch on my right leg, filled with metal and celestial bronze of kunai and shuriken

Naruto had told me that he had hidden stash of his old stuff in his kamui dimension and had been giving me tips on how throw ninja knives

"I still say a kunai but yeah, whatever float you boats" He shrugged nochalantly

I tempted to take a sword that had shark scales on it but Naruto warned me not to take it cause it could be dangerous since the sword is sentient, and if the sword doesn't like, it could make a sharp spikes with its scale and impaled me

Definitely didn't want that to happen

I decided to leave the Mino-taur horn in my cabin, There no point bringing it along

After that i make my way to the big pine tree, as i passed the tree, an image suddenly popped in my head, a punk girl, The girl has shoulder lenght spiky black hair, and electric blue eyes with freckles under her eyes but mostly on the left, she wore a plain white shirt under a black leather jacket, black shoes, a skull necklace hanging on her chest with earrings

The image faded and i blinked twice or third before shaking my head left and right

'what was that' I asked Naruto, Slightly startled

"This Tree" Naruto said "Has a soul in it, and i'm guessing the girl you saw is Thalia"

'You mean.........She still aliv?' I asked, horrified, i couldn't imagine if i've in the girl shoes, being stuck as a tree for year


Oh the Horror

'Okay, just relax percy, that not gonna happen to you' I took a deep breath and let it out

After a half of hour passed, Annabeth and Grover Finally came, Annabeth was bringing her magic Yankees cap, which she told me had been a twelfth-birthday present from her mom.

She carried a book on famous classical architecture, written in Ancient Greek, to read when she got bored, and a long bronze knife, hidden in her shirt sleeve.

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