Chapter 14

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto And Percy Jackson
"Naruto" Normal Speeches
'Percy' Thought
"Katon" Jutsu/Technique/Demon Speaking

Story Start

I'd love to tell you I had some deep revelation on my way down, that I came to terms with my own

mortality, laughed in the face of death, et cetera.

The truth? My only thought was


"Shut Up, Geez It just a river" Naruto muttered under his breath but with my new upgrade........i could hear him clearly

'Shut Up, SHUT UP' i've mentally raged at him 'I'm falling from couple stories window, i've pretty sure my head splatter once i hit the river'

"Well duh dumb-dumb" He drawled, much to my ire "You got me perce, i've basically live inside you, you have my power to save you"

The river raced toward me at the speed of a truck. Wind ripped the breath from my lungs.

Steeples and skyscrapers and bridges tumbled in and out of my vision.


A whiteout of bubbles. I sank through the murk, sure that I was about to end up embedded in a hundred feet of mud and lost forever.

But my impact with the water hadn't hurt. I was falling slowly now, bubbles trickling up through my

I settled on the river bottom soundlessly.

A catfish the size of my stepfather lurched away into  the gloom.

Clouds of silt and disgusting garbage—beer bottles, old shoes, plastic bags—swirled up all around me.

At that point, I realized a few things

first, I had not been flattened into a pancake. I had not been barbecued.

I couldn't even feel the Chimera poison boiling in my veins anymore.

"You welcome"

I've ignored him


I was alive, which was

"Thanks to yours truly"

Second realization

I wasn't wet.

"What, do you want to be wet?, I've know deep down inside you just one of those kinky types" Naruto teased, amusement laced in his tone

i've literally feel the blood rushing to my face 'Shut up Naruto'

I mean, I could feel the coolness of the water.

I could see where the fire on my clothes had been quenched.

But when I touched my own shirt, it felt perfectly dry.

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