Chapter 18: Welcome to hell

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Disclaimer: I've Don't own Naruto Or Percy Jackson

"Percy" Normal Speeches
'Hellios' Thought
"Katon" Jutsu/Technique/Demon Talking

Shinobi Reincarnation
Chapter 18
Welcome To Hell

We stood in the shadows of Valencia Boulevard, looking up at gold letters etched in blackmarble: DOA RECORDING STUDIOS.

Underneath, stenciled on the glass doors: NO SOLICITORS. NO LOITERING. NO LIVING.

"Oh would you look at that, You have to be dead if you want in percy, I've can do that for you"

'Not funny naruto'

"c'mon, I've make it painless as possible, Then i've bring you back to life"

'You can do that?' I've was sceptical of his claim but hey, you know what?, after what i've been through, Anything is possible at this point

"Yeah but you have to be my puppet in return"

'No thanks'

"Its called edo-tens-"

'No, Really naruto, I'm good'

"oh ........ Ok Then"

It was almost midnight, but the lobby was brightly lit and full of people. Behind the security desk sat a tough-looking guard with sunglasses and an earpiece.

I turned to my friends. "Okay. You remember the plan."

"The plan," Grover gulped. "Yeah. I love the plan."

Annabeth said, "What happens if the plan doesn't work?"

"then we use my plan, which is killed ourself and after that we us-"

"Don't think negative." I've said, ignoring naruto at the moment

"Right," she said. "We're entering the Land of the Dead, and I shouldn't think negative."

I took the pearls out of my pocket, the three milky spheres the Nereid had given me in Santa Monica.

They didn't seem like much of a backup in case something went wrong.

Annabeth put her hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry, Percy. You're right, we'll make it. It'll be fine."

She gave Grover a nudge.

"Oh, right!" he chimed in. "We got this far. We'll find the master bolt and save your mom. No problem."

I looked at them both, and felt really grateful. Only a few minutes before, I'd almost gotten them stretched to death on deluxe water beds, and now they were trying to be brave for my sake, trying to make me feel better.

also, making feel guilty about my question of their loyalty

I slipped the pearls back in my pocket. "Let's whip some Underworld butt."

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