Nightmare and Chats

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As Amtity was walking down the path in the woods to the market, her mind wandered to the dream she had experienced the previous night.

Flashback to the dream:

Amity walked into the doors of the Blight Manor, her home. The house was extremely quiet, too quiet. There were always at least a few muffled voices from her family's maids and staff, but nothing. The more she walked, the more the walls seemed to grow. As she reached her room, she opened her door to find both her parents, standing in the middle of her room. "Amity Blight. Would you like to explain this?" Her father asked, holding up her diary to a page. On it were doodles of the human and a few notes about her with hearts around it. "N-no! It's not what it looks like! She's just a f-friend! I s-swear!" Amity stuttered, backing up slowly. "Amity, dear. You are a blight. You can not be friends with a human, let alone have a crush on one! And she's a girl for titans sake!" Her mother stated, crossing her arms. "Liking a girl isn't bad! It's normal and so what if she's human." Amity frowned, fixing her posture slightly. "Amity, you've got to be kidding me. Liking the same gender is disgusting and unnatural." Her mother argued. "No it's not! It's completely normal and-!" Amity was cut off by her father's hand making contact with her cheek. The impact knocked her down. Her father dropped her diary on the ground next to her, face down. Her parents made their way to her door, stepping over her as if she was a stray dog on the side of the road. "I hope you learn just how disgusting you have become for crushing on a human girl." Her mothers venom-ness voice stated, as everything melted around her.

End of flashback

Amity felt tears sting the brink of her eyes at the memory. Her walking had slowed slightly, not wanting to reach her so-called home. 'No. That is not my home. That is merely a house I'm forced to live in. A home is where I can act happy. Live happy. Be happy. With those who make me happy.'

After about 5 minutes of walking, she had reached the entrance to the Blight Manor. She put the code into the gate at the driveway, waiting a few seconds for it to open. She started her way up the long driveway, dreading who she would meet at the top.

Once she had made it, she lightly knocked at the door. After waiting a few moments, the door opened, revealing a slightly taller girl with slightly darker green, braided hair, the same golden eyes and a choker around her neck. She had a large freckle under her left eye.

"Hey there mittens! Have fun?" The girl asked, keeping her hand on the doorknob and the other on her hip. Amity pushed her out of the way. "I told both you and Edric to quit calling me that, Emira." She growled, walking towards the long stairwell.

"Yea yea, we know. But anyways, how was it?" Emira asked again. "Alright. Had another nightmare though.." Amity said, pausing by the stairs, looking to the ground. Emira closed the door, then walked to her sister.

"Mom and dad again?" She asked, putting a hand on her shoulder. Amity nodded weakly. Emira patted her shoulder lightly, then turned to walk to the kitchen.

Amity started her way up the stairs to her room slowly. Once she reached the top, she took her eyes off the ground and looked around. She started walking to a door with the name 'Edric' painted in dark green on it. Knocking twice, she waited for a response.

Shortly after, she heard a faint "Come it." Followed by a few muffled noises. Amity slowly opened the door, to reveal a boy, strongly representing the sibling Amity had encountered when she had arrived, laying on a large bed in the corner of the room, on his scroll. The boy had dark green, fluffy hair. He had the same freckle but on the right side.

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