Human Schools Suck

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⚠️ TW slur!⚠️

The bus arrived at the school and everyone got off. Amity was clinging to Luz, scared by all the humans surrounding them. At least, that’s what she told Luz. In reality, she wanted to keep Luz all to herself. (Protective girlfriend mode engaged)

Curtis had gone off to his class, leaving Amity and Luz to go to the office and get her checked as a guest. Amity had her arm wrapped around Luz’s arm, looking around at all the people around them.

“You don’t have to hold on to me like that, y’know.” Luz jokes. Amity grumbled under her breath, then slowly let go of her. She crossed her arms and pouted to herself. Luz giggled, then walked into the office, Amity behind her. 

The office lady led her into the principal’s room, Amity close behind. Luz knocked on the door, waiting a few seconds for a response. A muffled ‘come in’ could be heard, to which Amity and Luz walked in. 

“Hello, ladies.” The principle started, then looked towards Amity. “Oh, and who might this be?” He asked, setting aside the papers that were on his desk, then set his chin on the top of his hands, elbows on the desk.

"Hello, sir. This is Amity Blight! I was hoping we could talk about her being a guest here. Just for today?” The principle hummed to himself in thought. “Take a seat.”

Luz walked over to his desk, taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of it. Amity followed and sat in a different one. She sat with her legs folded and her arms in her lap in a formal way. Just like her parents taught her. 

“So, you would like to be a guest in the school? What for?” He asked. Luz sat up a little taller before speaking. “Well, Amity here wants to go to this school, but she wanted to explore it and see all the classes before she enrolls." Luz said confidentially. 

The principal raised an eyebrow at the two. "And why are you here and not her parents, Mrs.Noceda?" He asked. Amity stiffened. 'Oh crap, I didn't think that far!' 

Amity looked over to Luz, hoping she had an idea. Luz just continued smiling. "Well, you see, Amity is staying at my house for a few days, and her parents are in a different country." 

He just nodded his head slowly, letting out a short 'hm'. "Then why isn't your mom here?" He asked, setting his arms down in front of him. "She has work and she can't cancel tonight." 

The principal sighed, then smiled slightly at the duo. "Well, I can see what I can do about letting you stay as a guest. I will call your mother though. Enjoy the school, Amity."

‘I’ll deal with that later.’ Luz thought to herself, then directed a huge smile at him, while Amity just smiled politely. The two got up to leave the room when the principal spoke up once again. 

"I will excuse your tardiness from your first hour." Luz thanked him and the two girls went off to Luz's locker. 

When they made it, Amity looked at it weirdly, then poked at it. Luz looked at her confused, then Amity turned to her, laughing from embarrassment. 

"S-sorry, our lockers are a little different in the demon realm." Amity trailed off, poking the locker again. 

"Uh huh…" Luz replied, then looked back at her lock, messing with it, then opened the locker. Pushing her bag in, she glanced back at Amity, watching as she was leaning forward with squinted eyes a few lockers away. She poked the locker once again, then grumbled under her breath. When she saw Luz looking at her, she stood back up, blushing from embarrassment. 

"Sorry! Again.." 

Luz laughed then elbowed the Blight next to her teasingly. "Don't be sorry. I know a lot of things on the Boiling Isles are a lot different than stuff here."

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